mainआलेख-राशिफलब्रेकिंग न्यूज़

The glory of India; Aim of Life 

-Dr CP Trivedi


India has a great scientific and cultural heritage of Indus Valley & Veda. It has been sacrificed in the name of Hindu, which was never a religion like Muslim or Christian, and the ghost of the Indian subcontinent was buried silently to check the thinking on Hinduism with a compromise for power between Jinnah, Pt. Nehru, and Lord Mountbatten,they were the architects to push Indian subcontinent in the religious fundamentalism with the bifurcation of India on the name of the so-called ‘Hindu Religion?

It was the British conspiracy to take revenge on the 1857 revolution against them and turned the non-violence movement into communal riots all over the country and the great M. Gandhi was defeated.The resident of ‘Hindustan’ is ‘Hindu’ to divide the Indian subcontinent between the converted and non-converted Indians to deny the antiquity of India, the British have coined the term ‘Hindu religion’, and most Indians are moving around the same to establish their supremacy with Sanskrit and traditions without any deep knowledge, under the wave of Religious fundamentalism from Europe and illiterate Arab with Lord Mcalley’s education system.Only through ‘Akhand Bharat You can achieve our Glorious Past Macauley’s education policy has befooled the Indians with ‘Aryan Invasion Theory to justify their barbarian arrival in India and their divide and rule policy to rule over India. The converted Indians also justify their presence in India in the same manner. ‘Aryan’ means civilized, well cultured. India was civilized and the Indian subcontinent was known as ‘Artavrat’ Seeing the glory of India Alexander the Great returned back …326 BC and the world came to know about India and ‘Chanakya’ who had established the ‘Mauryan Dynasty’ with Chandragupt Maurya. Samudragupta, Ashok etc. ‘Mauryan Dynasty’ Chandragupta II 113 BCE was a golden period acknowledged by Heliodorus Ambassador of Greece, No theft, robbery, or Police to control Mob, all were doing their duties with ethics in the Indian subcontinent. He has taken the Knowledge ‘We invoke ‘Agni’ fundamental energy as priest, reciter, and chanter of the creation sacrifice, the source of Jewels on the earth.’ ‘Life is the trinity of three immortal’ from India; its testimony is at Jerusalem. It is the source of knowledge of Saints and Prophet Abraham. Veda the Source of Monotheism The creation has evolved from infinite Sky with the creative force of vital fundamental energy. The fundamental energy has been imagined in the form of a primeval Man ‘Puru–a’ the eternal fundamental energy is working everywhere with energy transformation and source of all. The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force, under the laws of thermodynamics ‘Puru–a Sukta Rig. 10-90-1 to 4The pillar is the symbol of vital fundamental energy as a support to the creation as described in the Skambha sÊkta, Atharvaveda 10-7-35The radiating petals of the lotus signify that the fundamental energy blows up into existence just like a lotus flower. All are linked with him, just like the branches of a tree round about the trunk Atharvaveda 10-7-38. He is in the middle of creation, just like Yaksha in the center. I invoke the Agni- (fundamental energy) who is the priest, Deva (fundamental particles), sacrificer, and reciter of the S‚–—i, Yaj¤a a, which is the treasure of jewels.Ashokan pillar with two lions back to backBoth their father is also their son; both the chief is also the meanest (Kani–—ha) of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb Ath. 10-8-28The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon. They together have been termed as both the father and their son metaphorically. of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb. . Out of these two, one Phonon has entered in the mind first and stimulates the language of DNA in the womb, the phonon is earliest has activated the dark matter in pre-cosmic condition.The creation has evolved from infinite Sky with the creative force of vital fundamental energy. The same has been imagined in the form of primeval man as Creator. He is the ruler, painter, and architect of the creation with the vital energy of life and creation.Life is a trinity of three immortalThree immortal precepts (footsteps)… when practiced lead to heaven: self-restraint, charity, consciousness

Three immortal Three immortal

Hear all the Gods my words, Sarasvati give ear together with Puramdhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14)Speak forth the three words, the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produces nectar.Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the infant (Rig. 7-101-1)The Sarasvati thought words ensign of existence with the chemical energy of food, which generates thoughts in mind and vital energy ensign of life manifest with action, the germ of plants and infants as well.The three immortal; the resonant vibration of words precede light, they together produced the nectar, which milk this udder with cell body, the ensign of existence. With this, the fundamental energy Soma, manifested like Bull, and Bull bellowed engendering germ of plants, the infant also. The speed of the resonant waves is more than the light, which stimulates the action.1. The immortal underlying space of sky imparted mass to elementary particles with resonant vibration, the ensign of the existence of all.2. The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feed the living-beings3. The immortal DNA with resonant words is the light of life for all.Life on the earth is a trinity of three immortal. To evolve one’s self from animal instincts to human instincts and higher divine instincts is the aim of life under the cycle of rebirth and death.It is the source of symbols at Jerusalem, as engraved on the partially erect structure still stands behind the remains of Kepha’s (Peter’s) at Jerusalem by Heliodorus.

The Jew, Christian, and ‘Islam’ are Abrahamic Religions. The Quran preached by the Prophet Muhammad has been taken from the ‘Bible’, Shwetashavatar Upnishad’ and Veda. At Mecca, there was a Polytheistic shrine with ‘Jyotirlinga’ ‘Mecceshvar Mahadeva.’ It was a powerful pilgrimage center’ ‘Har Har Mahadeva’ & ‘Allah Ho Akbar’ God is great is One’Har Har Mahadeva’ there, the Prophet declared, ‘Allah Ho Akbar’ God is great in his language and preached Monotheism. The ‘Jyotirlinga’ as a symbol of the Almighty is still hidden inside the wall at Kaba”. ‘Allah’ God is without attribute and character to meditate on. It is difficult, the prophet instructed us to keep our mind on ”Kaba’ during ‘Namaz’ where Jyotirlinga is hidden in the walls. He has kept the traditions of the pilgrimage center by instructing them to wear a white cloth around them and move around the ‘Kaba’ shrine where ‘Jyotirlinga’ is hidden and touch ‘Sang a Asvad’ like the ‘Nandi’ bull in the Shiva temple to pay respect to a vehicle of Lord DNA. with life. The ship sacrifice is symbolic to sacrifice self lust for power and comfort in the way of ‘Allah[ God and take flesh as a gift of ‘Allah’They daily recite ‘Har Har Mahadeva’ & ‘Allah Ho Akbar’ God is great is One with prayer ‘Namaz’ with a meditation on ‘Jyotirlinga’ at ‘Kaba’ The prayer ‘Namaz’ is yogic posture. to awaken hidden serpent power. In one place, he has said that the sap is running in the spinal cord to indicate serpent power in the body. The Prophet Muhammad enlightened the barbarian Arabs and taught ethics in life with the sacrifice of the lust for power and comfort is the way to ‘Allah’ God. To kill a human is a great sin. Every individual came with a driver and witness. The immortal DNA records the deeds of an individual with transcription and translation with time. One has to face the consequences of his deeds at the time of judgment ‘Qiyamat’ Nobody will be able to share the sins, one has to face the consequences of his deeds on his own. ‘Allah’ God is eternal and traditions are as per space-time and environmental conditions. At the time of Judgement ‘Qiyamat,’ you will be raised again like plants with rain. The immortal DNA with immortal words phonon is a vessel of life with three immortal and the three stages in life. The immortal words phonon follow the DNA from generation to generation with new life in the womb of a mother in a good or bad family to face the consequences of deeds in life. Aim of Life Life is Eternal. To evolve one’s own self from animal instincts to human instincts and towards higher divine instincts is the aim of life, under the cycle of rebirth and death. ‘Islamic Symbol’ Crescent Moon and Star The five-armed star denotes the human body develops from the five gross elements and disintegrates with time like Moon. The Green color of the flag.The Photosynthesis by the green plants is the source of life.Sheiks of Arab make it a political movement to spread their territories and rule in the name of the Christian Brotherhood and Muslim brotherhood under the banner of Christianity and Muslim Religion.The Great wars have been fought in the name of religion and God in mid-century with the human holocaust. Although the Prophet Muhammad said in Quran that to kill a human is a great sin.During the era of the Crusades, some of the Crusaders who fought in the name of God were recognized as the Milites Christi, the soldiers, or the knights of Christ.[33]Reuven Firestone (2012) stated ‘that holy war is a common theme in the Hebrew Bible.

‘Mauryan Dynasty The Muslim invaders came after the ‘Mauryan Dynasty’ when India was ruled by small states. The Barbarian Arab invaders seeing the glory of India came and invaded India with a sword with human holocaust and conversion of the poor into their Religion. The invaders came for war and booty India was divided into small states with rivalry, with their support and personal rivalry some of the invaders get the opportunity to rule over India Their motto was to destroy Indian culture and literature.

Bakhtiar Uddin Khilji attacked Nalanda University killed students and burnt the library, which was burning for six months. The invaders have entered through ‘Khaibar Pass’ ‘Sindhu’ and civilization at the bank of ‘Sindhu’ river named as Hindustan the Indian subcontinent. The ‘S’ is pronounced as ‘H; in ‘Farsi’ and named Hindu” as a resident of Hindustan and differentiated the converted as Muslim and non-converted as ‘Hindu’ The converted have asked to join ‘Hindu’ bur ‘Hindu’ was not a religion like ‘Islam’ having no code of conversion or reconversion, hence the matter remains as such and the converted have been recognized as one caste under the caste system of India. The Muslim invader and Mughals ruled over India for about 8 hundred years till the arrival of the British. During this, the converted and non-converted were living together peacefully as products of the same soil as Indians. They fought together with the great revolution against British Emperor in 1857 and shook the throne of the British Emperor in London U.K. The revolutionary movement was led by a Brahmin Mangal Pandey and became against the Brahmin and brought forward Aryan Invasion Theory to justify their arrival in India like ‘Aryan’ and postulated that the ‘Aryan’ came from out and killed the Black ‘Dravida’ and pushed them in the south. It was a shrewd politics to divide Indians. Otherwise, they were treating Brahmins as their brother looking the superior of Brahmins. Guru Nanak Dev foresaw the storm of invaders and to save India established the ‘Khalsa Panth’ A pure way to God ‘1 Onkar’ OM is that truth, the magnetosphere around the earth, which has given the way for the origin of life on the earth. and he first keeps with him a Muslim to denote that the Local Muslims are sons of the same soil as Indians. The Muslim invader and Mughals ruled over India for about 8 hundred years till the arrival of the British. The British were are hard taskmasters with a brutal mentality to take the revenge 1857 revolution against them, they have started to create a rift between the converted and non-converted Indians with the restriction of the ‘Hindu’ Parikrama around the ‘Babri Masque’ around 1857, and they have supported the formation of Muslim League 1906 for their divide and rule policy. They have forced the Indians to think of either ‘Hindu’ or ‘Muslim’ on the basis of Religion and coined the term ‘Hindu Religion’ which was never a Religion like Christian or Muslim. The freedom of 1947 with the bifurcation of India was a Himalayan blunder, it has pushed the Indian subcontinent into the dark tunnel of religious fundamentalism with poverty and illiteracy in the name of the so-called ‘Hindu Religion’ We were slaves for about seven hundred years and will remain for a few years more, but to accept the British conspiracy was a curse. In spite of this, we must be thankful for British rule that they have united the Indian subcontinent into one unit and awakened us from slavery towards freedom to achieve our glorious past.
The emergence of the Modi Government in India in 2014 is the dawn of a new era for the Indian subcontinent. The Bharat was divided in the race of power scandal like the ‘water get scandal’ in 1947. It was a British conspiracy with two eminent scholars Jinnah and Pt. Nehru took revenge on the revolution against the British in 1857, for ‘Har Har Mahadev & Allah Ho Akbar’ was one and Hindu-Muslim fought together and shook the British Government the UK. They have pushed India in Religious fundamentalism with ‘this Hindu or that Hindu’ and raised the issue of Babri Mosque with restricting Hindus for the ‘Parikrama of ‘Shri Ram Birth place’.in 1857, it was the beginning to create a rift between the converted and non-converted Hindu. They together faced slavery and poverty under Muslim rule for 700 years and still face poverty and illiteracy in the Indian subcontinent, due to the unnatural bifurcation of India.Now the problem has been solved amicably by the SC of India.‘Hindu’ is not a religion, it is the way of life. Through this, they have survived the long slavery of Mughal Muslim rule and the attack of the invaders. They have coined the term Hindustan for Bharat. The resident of Hindustan is Hindu. It has been followed all over the world and the converted are Hindu Muslims.’Hindu’ was never a religion like Christianity or Muslim, before the arrival of the British, India was having a caste-based society with their indigenous faith of the caste. The Muslims were absorbed as one caste in the caste-based society of India and they together lived peacefully under Muslim rule and faced slavery and poverty together, The communal riots and rift between the converted and non-converted widen in the name of bifurcation, who will rule over India?

It reached its peak from 1942 to 1947 with communal riots all over India with the mass killing of Indians by the Indians and the British turned the nonviolent movement of Gandhi into a violent movement. Japan and Germany were ruined during world war 2nd and raised like big power at the world level. We could not develop in 70 years and have 67% illiterate with poverty in Bangladesh and Pakistan, and 42 % illiterate and poverty in India due to the Religious fundamentalism and communal riots Indians are killing Indians in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Kashmir. Whereas ‘Hindu’ was never a Religion. With the opium of Religion, we are the victims of British conspiracy.
AIM OF LIFE The development of modern science and technology has established the fact that life on the earth is a chemically synthetic process of evolution A.I. Oparin1922. The discovery of DNA by Watson and Crick in 1953 brought a revolution in Biotechnology with the fact that Life has evolved from the single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division. The human species evolved from monkeys through Homo sapiens’ theory of Organic evolution by Darwin 1859. It has pushed the Religions of the world on the back foot that life on the earth has no aim, No Hell or Heaven?Conclusion AIM OF LIFE The infinite eternal original cosmic energy is the source of the creation. The quarks and the subatomic particles are the first in the series. The appearance of the infinite original cosmic energy in the nucleus has bound the proton and neutron in the atom. It is holistic Bell’s theorem 1972 by Clauser, Freedman, David Böehm, and Alain Aspect in 1985 The eternal cosmic energy binding the nucleus in the atom is holistic it connects our solar system with the cosmos. It has appeared first in the atom and maintained its continuity in the molecules, matter, and living beings.The movement of the hydrophilic colloidal ions in the closed system has generated the insipient nucleus in the center. It is the first symbol of life. It has maintained its continuity with cell division and evolution.The eternal cosmic energy appears with the formation of the fertilized zygote in the womb from the mother. The immortal sound of words is the stimulator of language in the DNA. And metabolism is the source of consciousness. They appear with birth in the womb as a hereditary life principle and disappear with death.The DNA is responsible for the development of the physical body with sense organs. Their functions are stimulated by their objects, just like the sound of words and pictures. They stimulate the multiple faculties of the brain with the thought in a fraction of a second. The sense organs and the brain are the vehicles of DNA through the nervous system and electrical impulses. They execute the functions with thought and memory stored in DNA and record the actions in life till death.The coding of words begins with the opening of the mental code in the womb. It suppressed the memory of the previous birth. The whole body is synthesized from the DNA and is connected with the brain with the nervous system and electrical impulses. Hence it stimulates the multiple faculty of the brain with multiple thoughts in a fraction of a second.After death, the physical body disintegrates in nature, and the immortal thought words remain in the universe. They search DNA instruments for operation. DNA is universally present in living beings. It requires a specific code with complementary thought resting in nature.As soon as the fertilized DNA divide in the womb, a language code opens on the DNA, which is the code for the mental development of the brain, the mental code is specific, which attracts the specific thought mentality resting in the sky, if the mental code and thought mentality are complementary with each other, then the thought of an individual tie down with the DNA, and open the language code on the DNA, with the memory of an individual. With this, the cell metabolism is the source of consciousness, and the physical body develops as per the hereditary characteristics of the parents. Due to the fresh encoding, the memories become suppressed. It gives unusual experiences and decides the fate in life. Hence even the time twins have different DNA and fate in life. Life appears with the union of thought mentality of an individual with fertilized DNA, and the metabolic energy of food is the source of consciousness in the womb. It disappears with death.Conclusion Life ScienceDNA is a vessel of LifeLife is As birds their nest upon the tree Rig. 10-127-4Life is like a bird in the nest, which flies away with death.The activation of DNA mental code in the womb is the place, where fertilized DNA the two Mothered Son shows swiftest mid the swift; and synthesize the first cell body with the chromosomes, with all information of life and death. The nucleotide pair with activation of DNA code on fertilized DNA replicates in a fourfold manner and gives shape to an infant in the womb with three stages in the life cycle. Its speed is swifter than the mind of mortals. From it, the human species has evolved with mental development. It led to the development of an infant with hereditary characteristics from parents and mental wavelength decides the fate in life with its connection to the atmosphere. Hence the whole body has the same genetic code and particular thought wavelength in the whole body. Wherewith the sapient one acquired histriple lore with three stages in life, and he enjoy life in the ocean of life.Phonic Presser Compression Electromagnetic ForceHow does the immortal phonon stimulate DNA language code?The sound, phonon waves compress and rebound from all sides to generate thoughts in the brain for action with circumstances in life, the plasma membrane acts as two faces of the same coin, the striking waves configure the electrons with half spin and change in wavelength conveyed to the brain with electrical impulses for action with thought and words. The brain waves connect the body with the universe with a unified field. The phonic presser compresses the plasma membrane, and the configuration of electrons with half-spin changes the wavelength on the opposite side and reached the brain with electromagnetic impulses for action. It is a phonic presser compression electromagnetic force, which connects the body with a single unified force.It is this one note that holds the body in physical manifestation. The body has a gelatinous form held up by a single note of vibration. The cell membrane acts as two faces of the same coin with a change in wavelength. It has tied up the body right from conception. It is one vowel of the mentality and identity in life.The phonon wave is specific and immortal, which follows the DNA from generation to generation with new life. The purine and pyrimidine base pair of DNA has two forms, differing only in Nitrogen. It has an inbuilt mechanism with an antenna and speaker for transcription and translation of the message.Speak forth the three words, the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produces nectar.Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the infant (Rig. 7-101-1)The fundamental energy is the germ of the plants and infant, which is manifested with the activation of mental code on the DNA and the three places on the DNA made apparent to synthesize the cell body. With this, the fundamental energy drives the cell body on the path of evolution with three stages of life. Hear all the Gods my words, Sarasvati give ear together with Puramdhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14)Sarasvati’s voice stimulates the language of the DNA with holy thoughts, which strike the ear and rebound. Food metabolism is the source of Life.Life is Trinity of Three ImmortalThe Higgs field, immortal underlying space of sky imparted mass to elementary particles, ensign of the existence of all.2. The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feeds the living beings with food metabolism and is the source of life. 3.
The immortal DNA with immortal resonant words is the light of life for all with activation of DNA mental code in the womb of the mother.Three places of A„vins, erst concealed, are made apparent now.Both sages, with the flight of Law, come hither unto those who live Rig. 8-8-23With the activation of the mental triplet code from two different male XY and female XX DNA, The three places of A„vins, the three immortal are made apparent, and the A„vins lead the development of the infant in the womb with the hereditary characters from the parents.Both sages, The photon, and phonon are two sages, which synthesize the live-cell body. The phonon and photon have broad complementary spectrum. In analogy to the spectrum of visible light, we speak of the entire electromagnetic spectrum, of which the visible spectrum is one segment.The flow of life channels Seven sisters sprung from threefold source, (abiding in the three worlds that are, heaven earth and air) the Five Tribes prosper, she must be Invoked in every deed of might (ÿg-Veda 6-61-12)The seven sisters represent seven rays of visible light, and seven syllables of voice, they are flowing in a three-fold manner and nourish five gross elements air, water, sun; energy, sky, and earth; matter with life in countless channels.The immortal word, voice wave attached with the DNA nucleotide pair, regulates the life in the atmosphere.The DNA nucleotide pair, which leads the development of the infant in the womb is the genetic identity of an individual in life along with voice code. Hence, even the time twins have different genetic identities and fates in life.

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