Origin of Life Udayagiri Caves M.P.

-Dr CP Trivedi
Life appears with the streaming of the protoplasm in the closed system of the cell body and disappears with the aging and death of the cell.
Life, as birds their nest upon the tree Rig. 10-127-4
Life is like bird’s their nest upon the tree, Tvashta DNA is vessel of life with Ashvins Nucleotide pair Saranyu and Sanjana of DNS shed with the incandescent cloud with cosmology from the ‘Nebula’ Sun. With time the earth cooled down and with the movement of the molten mass in the center, the magnetosphere and the geomagnetic field developed around the earth. It has protected the earth from the sun’s strong magnetic field and hot solar flares, The flow of the photon and the phonon halted The space Higgs field imparted mass to the elementary particles with atoms in series with asteroids and planets.
The interaction of the sun and earth’s magnetic field in the magnetosphere with the ionization of the atom generated the ions in the ionosphere. The interaction of the ions with the Ultra Violet rays converted the atomic oxygen into ozone, which absorbs the toxic Ultra Violet rays. It has given the way for the origin of life on the earth. .
The ions run towards the earth with earth’s geomagnetic field and gravity. The ions of the water H and OH ions filled the earth with water. The first life appeared in the primordial slime soup with streaming of the colloidal solution in the anaerobic condition,, The phonon wave activated the Tvashta, Ashvins Nucleotide pair Purine and the pyrimidine base Saranyu and Sanjana with the phonon complementary wavelength.
The phonon wavelength adorned to the nucleotide pair to the triple bond of Hydrogen stimulated the event with the electron configuration with the first Genetic code and amino acids in series. The Ashvins nucleotide of DNA led the development with the complementary wavelength, They follow each other from generation to generation with new life. Life has evolved from the single DNA and cell with genetic recombination and cell division, The immortal chemical energy of the photosynthesis with the food metabolism is the source of life, which appear with the birth and disappears with death.
Earth, from the incandescent Gaseous Clouds

- By Soma are the Âdityas strong; by Soma is the earth great; likewise in the lap of these asterisms is.

Earth’s first continents, known as the cratons, emerged from the ocean between 3.3 billion and 3.2 billion years ago, a new study hints. Cratons means rock were formed with the crystallization

The Udayagiri Caves are twenty rock-cut caves near Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh from the early years of the 5th century CE.[1][2] The Varaha panel in Cave 5 is one of the most studied reliefs from the Gupta Empire era. It narrates the Hindu mythology about a man-boar avatar of Vishnu (Varaha) rescuing goddess earth (Bhudevi, Prithivi) from the depths of cosmic ocean.

Udayagiri, Cave 5, Vishnu as the Varāha Avatar, is symbolically express the Earth’s early condition with the formation of the Earth and origin of life. The earth came into the existence from the incandescent gaseous clouds with cooling and formation of the water.
Solar rays in the incandescent gaseous clouds showing Vishnu in the middle as photon and vibration waves around him. The immortal phonon wave strikes and rebound with resonance.
The Varaha panel in Cave 5 is one of the most studied reliefs from the Gupta Empire era. It narrates the emergence of earth from the incandescent gaseous clouds with the solar rays in the center Vishnu;
The solar electromagnetic rays travel with vibration and sound has been personified as Vishnu, and his incarnation as Varaha as smallest unit of light and phonon the smallest unit of vibration wave, they together maintain their continuity in atom molecule, matter and cell body with Higgs field, underlying space imparted mass to the elementary particles with asteroids and the planets. It has been expressed by the waves all round personified Vishnu in the center.
Higgs field space with water molecules transported in series from the mouth of the Varaha.
water gathered on the earth’s surface
The personification of Varaha as a photon with the complementary wavelength phonon wave is to express metaphorically the molecular reaction at micro level in the formation of the ions of water ensign of existence in the atmosphere
The Earth has been created with condensation and cooling of the incandescent clouds. The electromagnetic rays travel with vibration and sound, their flow has been halted with the formation of the atom with Higgs field space, the underlying space imparted mass to the elementary particles in series, the ensign of existence. The Higgs field space imparted mass to elementary particles in series has been depicted above the head.
The space Higgs field has been depicted above the head of the Varaha to express that the space binds the atom in series, ensign of existence .The hanging figure on the mouth with a rope going to the surface is to express that the atoms in series with mass transported on the surface with the gravity.
the space has been depicted the space is. A chord has been shown behind the ‘Varaha’ to express the vibration of the phonon waves bind the atoms in series with mass to the elementary particles and behold the all existing.
पर्वा॒प॒रं चरतो मा॒ययै॒तौ शिशू क्रोडन्तौ परि यातोऽर्ण॒वम्।
विश्वा॒न्यो भुवना वि॒चष्ट ऋतूँरन्यो वि॒दधज्जायसे॒ नवः ॥२३॥
By their power these twain in close succession move;
They go as playing children around the sacrifice.
The electromagnetic rays travel with vibrations and sound in close succession with actions and interactions.
‘‘One of the pair beholdeth all existing things; the other ordereth seasons and is born again’’ Rg.10- LXXXV-18b. One holds all existing things is phonon, which is immortal, and other photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time and is born again.
The immortal phonon follows The A„vins nucleotide pair of DNA from generation to generation with new life.
The phonon behold all existing has been shown with string attached to ‘Varaha’ ‘Photon’
Origin of Life

Life has originated in the deep sea from Ashvin nucleotide pair of Tvashta DNA, it was dressed by the mighty fundamental energy in the pre-cosmic condition and transported with incandescent clouds like bullet. Ashvin nucleotide pair of Tvashta DNA are purine base Sara‡yu and pyrimidine base Sanjana, they have similar structure only differ in Nitrogen and divide in air like image in the mirror, they transported with incandescent clouds like bullet maintained their continuity from the Nebula, sun to earth and in the slime soup with origin of life.
Ashvin nucleotide pair of Tvashta DNA are purine base Saranyu and pyrimidine base Sanjana, transported with incandescent clouds like bullet. They divide in air like image in the mirror has been depicted on the portrait in picture.
Ashvin nucleotide pair of Tvashta DNA are purine base Sara‡yu and pyrimidine base Sanjana, have been termed as daughter of Tvashta
How DNA pulled out from Sun with Cosmology

There are four different types of nucleotides found in DNA, differing only in the nitrogenous base Purine and Pyrimidine Bases It is possible to image DNA with atomic resolution STM using scanning microscopy imaging. The live observation in ultra-high vacuum based on the wave of words in contrast mechanism under modeled contour of van der wall’s surface A DNA gives fantastic results. It has been observed in the ultra-resolution image that one purine and one pyrimidine base are complementary to each other, just like A T G C they separate and synthesize complementary base on another opposite side.
It means there is no separation the hydrogen triple bond change into a double bond and catches a triple bond on the opposite side, it goes on unending, it has spread DNA on all sides. It synthesizes its complementary base pairs in air, with which it has maintained its identity from Sun to Earth and in the biological world as universal bio-signature.
Ashvin nucleotide pair of Tvashta DNA are purine base Saranyu and pyrimidine base Sanjana, they have similar structure and divide in air like image in the mirror. It has been depicted in the pictures in the series.
Spark of first Life in deep sea

Ashvin nucleotide pair of Tvashta DNA are the purine base Saranyu and pyrimidine base Sanjana, termed as Tvashta‘s daughter.
For the origin of life the charged particles and water is essential and life originated in the deep sea in the slime soup with colloidal charged particles. the purine base Sara‡yu and pyrimidine base Sanjana, termed as Tvashta‘s daughter divide and produce the four bases, two nucleotide pair. The vibration wave of the colloidal solution activated the base pair of Ashvin with synonym complementary wavelength and first amino acid was formed with spark of first life with chain of the amino acids and protein synthesized the first prokaryotic cell with incipient nucleus 4.6 Billion years ago.
Angirases Sap, Brihaspati nucleus, formation of the primordial soup

When Indra and Angirases desired it, Sarama found provision for her off-springs. B‚haspati cleft the mountain, found the cattle: the heroes shouted with the kine in triumph 3
The complementary thought words find their place on DNA, where water and electricity are present in the womb. The life arose from pre-existing cells, and voice, words activate the DNA for the development of kine in triumph. The infant with nine doors in the body shouts with seven singers (syllables) from heaven.
Amino acid chain Protein
The auspicious Raka, sew her work with never-breaking needle Nitrogen, with a triple bond.
With eulogy I call on Raka swift to hear; may she, auspicious, hear us, and herself observe.
With never breaking-needle may she sew her work, and give a hero son most wealthy, meet for praise Rig. 2-32-4
The first cell has been expressed as Tvashta makes a wedding-car for his daughter; because of this, all this creation comes together; the mother of Yama, wife of great Vivasvat, being drawn about, disappeared 18-1-53
The three places of Ashvins are three wheels, which have spread the DNA in all directions.
Three places of Ashvins, erst concealed, are made apparent now.
Both sages, with the flight of Law, come hither unto those who live Rig. 8-8-23
The life has evolved from the single A„vin nucleotide pair of DNA with genetic recombination and cell division
Tvashta makes a wedding car for his daughter; because of this, all this creation comes together; the mother of Yama, wife of great Vivasvat. The synthesis of the complementary base pairs of the new DNA has been expressed in this fashion ‘‘having made one of like color, they gave her to Visvasvat’’
They hid away the immortal (bio soul) one from mortals; having made one of like color, they gave her to Vivasvat just like his wife; what that was carried also the two A„vins; and Sara‡yu deserted two twins (Pair of chromosomes) Atharvaveda 18-2- 33.
The Tvashta- DNA synthesizes new DNA from the DNA template, the same has been termed as the bridal car. The single strand of the DNA template has been termed as the daughter of Tvashta and the new DNA has been termed as Vivasvat, The DNA template has been termed as the daughter of the Tvashta-DNA and the same has been termed as the wife of the Vivasvat- new DNA. Which has been synthesized from the DNA template, his wife- the DNA template due to the synthesis mRNA lost her identity, hence it has been said that his wife Sara‡yu daughter of Tvashta has disappeared. It means the daughter represents the DNA template and after the synthesis of the mRNA, the DNA lost its identity, which has been expressed metaphorically. The Sara‡yu carried also the two Ashvins, which means the DNA template synthesizes new DNA with complementary base pairs. Accordingly, the DNA synthesizes the pairs of the chromosomes, it has been expressed by that Sara‡yu deserted two twins.
He is the father of Ashvins (nucleotide pair), which means Ashvins nucleotide pairs have been synthesized from the parent DNA. He is the father of Yama- YamÏ (Twinned pair of the chromosome) It means chromosomes have been synthesized from the DNA, it has been indicated by saying that Saranyu deserted two twins. In this way, the formation of the chromosome pair has been indicated symbolically.
He is the father of the Manu-human race. It indicates that DNA is responsible for the evolution of the human species
With Trikadrukas it purifies itself six wide ones verily great one; tristubh, gÈyatrÏ, the meters: all those (are) set in Yama Ath. 18-2-6.
The activity of the DNA has been indicated through Trikadruka (=,Ξ), which represents a triple bond and a double bond of hydrogen, through which the complementary base pairs are joined with each other. ‘The six wide ones’ represent the three base pairs. ‘The verily great one’ indicates a triplet language code on the DNA template. The language of the DNA has been indicated through the tristup, GayatrÏ, and the meters: all those (are) set in Yama. It means the information is in the chromosome.
Life, as birds their nest upon the tree Rig. 10-127-4
Personification of the solar rays Varaha, the rays travel with vibration and sound in a straight way, it has been shown by the rays from the nave to express the flow of the electromagnetic rays with vibration and sound from the sky.
The head in the air with the mother earth at the tip of the mouth. The flow of the electromagnetic rays halted with the formation of the atom in series and the water molecules gathered on the surface. It has been expressed in the pictograph with the mother earth lying below the leg of Varaha, It means the earth has been formed from the photons, the smallest unit of light.
The gaseous mass cooled with change in the temperature pressure gradient with the molten mass in the centre. The movement of the molten mass created a dynamo in the centre with geomagnetic field, and magnetosphere around the molten mass, it has given the way for the ionization of the solar flares in the magnetosphere and the underlying space imparted mass to the elementary particles in series. With ionization the ions flow down to the earth’s atmosphere.
The ions came down with gravity ensign of existence with apace. It has been depicted on the surface with the earth resting under the serpent hood as shelter from the sun’s magnetic field.
The photon and phonon are connected at the molecular level equal and opposite complementary wavelength has been expressed by string on both the side of Varaha as photon in the centre.
All elementary particles are vibrating with their respective resonance with the complementary wavelength and the phonon wave bind the elementary particles in series with the atom, molecule matter and cell body. The phonon wave imparted the mass to the elementary particles and ions form in the ionosphere region and flow towards gravitational force of the earth. It has lay down the foundation of the earth. The formation of water molecules in series has been shown below the leg over lying mother earth with the serpent hood to express magnetosphere around the earth. The earth filled with water with its nectarine character with three forms solid, liquid and gas.

The solar rays of the light have personified as Vishnu, and his incarnation ‘Varaha’ with projecting mouth holding mother earth to express that the earth has been shaped by the elementary particles, atom, molecule, and matter with space Higgs field.

Life appears with the streaming of the protoplasm in the closed system of the cell body and disappears with the aging and death of the cell.