October 12, 2024

‘NAV-RATRI SPACIAL’-DNA is the blue-chip of life with the Rebirth Aim of Life

-Dr CP Trivedi

Navratri’ is the worship of Immortal phonon wave Goddess of Night she appeared first in the solid-dark pre-cosmic condition as ‘Daughter of Mountain’ ‘Shail-Putri she activated ‘Mahadeva’ dormant fundamental energy in action with blast and light. The photon and phonon are released in a straight way as her calf.

The photon and phonon have complementary wavelengths. The photon is the smallest unit of light and the visible form of the fundamental energy in action. The immortal phonon is the smallest unit of voice, and vibration and stimulates the event with a half-spin change in the wavelength and the photon undergoes the synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s equation E=Mc².

. DNA is a vessel of Life, the purine and pyrimidine base pair have come from the sun with the inbuilt mechanism of transcription and translation with three immortal and three stages of life. The immortal phonon voice follows the DNA from generation to generation with new life and beholds the life consciousness with the complementary wavelength.

. The immortal underlying space of sky imparted mass to elementary particles with resonant vibration, the ensign of the existence of all.

  1. The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feeds the living-beings
  2. The immortal DNA with resonant words is the light of life for all.

Life on the earth is a trinity of three immortal. To evolve one’s self from animal instincts to human instincts and higher divine instincts is the aim of life under the cycle of rebirth and death.

DNA is the blue-chip of life with the Rebirth Aim of Life

Ancient Indian Vedic Civilization


India has a long ancient history of Vedic civilization independent from the world as such the world came to know about India and Indian culture only after the raid of Alexander the Great in 326 B.C. Once it was a global culture and restricted to the Indian subcontinent after the Ice age on the earth before 18000 years ago as reported by the Hamburg Institute of Meteorology of Max Planck Society Germany on the project ‘Climap’ German News Sept. 89 Page 25.

Vedic culture flourished on the earth 18000 years ago before the ice age. The scientific principles incorporated in Veda were rediscovered at Indus Valley and Grand Canyon 11 thousand years ago.

Another major event was the discovery of the ancient cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro in the 1820s. with this, the great history of Indian culture came to light and became the most important for archaeologists, Historians, Linguistics, and anthropologists to work on the Indian culture, Veda and Sanskrit.

The discovery of the wonder of the world underground cave city Grand Canyon N.A. Indus Valley and ‘Temple complex’ from one rock Kailash, Ellora India explores Vedic Civilization survived for over 11000 years as India’s antiquity. Veda is the first Word of the civilized person on the Earth “What can be more tedious than the Veda, and yet what can be more interesting, if once we know that it is the first word spoken by the Aryan man?” These are the words of F. Max Muller, who has the credit to introduce Vedas in the world.

All have been included in the world heritage list by UNESCO.

The Decipherment of Indus Valley seals explores Vedic Sanskrit Lexicography as an intellectual language. As also it explores the antiquity of India’s Vedic culture as part of the life of Indians. After natural catastrophes, global warming, and the ice age, the people moved to villages to maintain harmony with nature. India’s village culture and the Europeans could not decode the Vedic language code and the height of the Vedic development. To worship the plants was superstition for them, although to worship plants is the most scientific as the plants are a source of life with photosynthesis on the earth.

There was no Religious institute in India to oppose the conversion because to have a faith in any Religion or God is a right of an individual as per the Indian tradition & Vedic Science.

Religion-the God and Soul are invisible, they represent eternal cosmic principle on which the creation and nature are working in a definite order, nobody can deny it, faith or belief in it is immaterial. Accordingly, an individual has a right to accept it or deny it, but to act ethically in society is his duty. Hence there is no code of conversion or re-conversion in the Indian culture. The foreigners have used this lacuna as their tool. It was not a human error,

India is the cradle of civilization, and man has arisen in India, the birthplace of races, Philosophy, and of religions, from where Brahmanism religion was first in the series.

Brahmanism religion, with Vedic traditions in the background, has flourished in India for about one thousand years after Vedic culture, and when, it was polluted with excess exploitation in the name of yajna. It was replaced by the most scientific religion of the world ‘Buddha dharma’. It has flourished in India for about one thousand years and spread in the world from India. Lord Aşoka had spread his scientific teachings and became well known Great ‘Samrat’ Emperor of Indian history. When the Buddha’s followers have accepted Mahatma Buddha as God, and Buddha centers became places of exploitation than with time it has vanished from India, with the establishment of the Indian eternal concept again by ‘Jagatguru Adi Shankaracharya’. He has established the cultural integrity of India. In the same series Jainism, Sikh, and Arya samaj have their origin in India.

Accordingly, the conversion of Indians into Islam has been taken as a faith primarily and integrity in the diversity of India could not be broken. Because Indian culture is based on caste system and Muslims have been considered as one caste, accordingly they have been absorbed in the society.

The great Samrat Akbar has given it a new height with the establishment of “Din-a- Elahi” and became the hero of India. He was not in favor of exploitation in the name of faith or Religion. It was a wonder for the Britishers how the Religious communities are living together? They were having a bitter experience of Religious warfare and the superiority of Religious institutes in Europe. On the contrary in India, they were surprised to see unity in diversity under the indigenous caste system. They have raised the issue of monotheism and polytheism to divide the masses in the name of religion and turned it towards racial difference.

In India, the Muslim rulers have established one community in the name of Religion and following the same British have established a Christian community in the name of Christ. They have forced the Indians to think in the language of Religion. It was a deep conspiracy and shrewd political diplomacy of the British to divide the Indians in their homeland in the name of Religion. The poverty due to the slavery and exploitation by the foreign rulers with the curse of untouchables has played a major role to divide the Indians. These social impacts are so deep-rooted that even after independence, the National pride and glory are invisible, on the contrary corruption and lack of duty became the day-to-day part of the life of many at a length. The ethical values of religion have no place in life and religious fundamentalism has the upper hand. It has given the way for terrorism. It is all due to the teachings of the British and the so-called Religious bifurcation of India. It has flourished on Indian soil without answer. Religion, monotheism or polytheism and Aryan invasion became the tool of modern intellectuals to prove their superiority in the modern circle, although to have a faith in God or not, it is personal thinking of personal concern in India from time immemorial. It is possible only in India from where God, religion, and philosophy have their origin.

It was all due to the fact that the European scholars have misinterpreted the Vedic language and history in their own interests. The same they have taught to the students and a community of educated Indians without respect for old customs and traditions have been prepared to rule over India. The Vedic language is a coded language there is no war, no history or religion, as considered by the Europeans. On the contrary, they are scientific documents with scientific theories and principles of nature and creation. All the modern scientific theories and principles have been explained through metaphors and riddles, which establish that Vedic Civilization was scientifically developed. The decipherment of Vedic Science has the key to exploring the mystery of Indus valley civilization through the excavated seals and tablets at Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro.

The Vedic metaphors have been engraved on the seals and tablets, the micro pictographs on the seals and tablets do not represent script, on the contrary, they are micro pictographs of the Indus Valley gene technology at the microcellular level. The Indus Valley Civilization was ruined due to the excessive exploitation of nature through gene technology (synonym to our present-day knowledge of gene technology,) and subsequent hydrological, ecological, and ecological-disaster have forced the shifting of the population and its reorganization and expansion. Hence at the excavated sites of Indus Valley, large traces of dead bodies have not been found.

The Vedic literature is in the form of metaphors and riddles, which indicates towards the phenomena of the nature and the natural reactions going on in the nature. With the knowledge of the modern science the indications can be understood. Hence for the interpretation of the indications one must know the Vedic terminology in its proper way, because Vedic terminology with myths of mythology is a product of long history of climatic conditions. The Vedic deities, actually represent either the component of nature or natural phenomena. The anthropomorphic nature of the deities and their figurative description with personification is a way of expressing of thoughts about natural phenomena. Although without reference and knowledge of the related phenomena the metaphors are hard to understand, where words are only the coded indicators. As such with an aim to decode the Vedic metaphors a scientific terminology of the Vedic deities has been prepared to interpret the Vedic hymns and metaphors in chronological order with a depth of Vedic knowledge. In the same manner, the riddles can also be solved, where words are only indicators. Vedic Science is vis-à-vis Modern Science and much more advance. It can establish the antiquity of the Vedic Civilization. Its relics are the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro of Indus Valley. It can establish the long-awaited antiquity of India in the modern world.

Advance Vedic Science

The Vedic scientific principles synonym to our modern knowledge can justify the development and the compilation of the Vedic hymns was for the future generation to come on the earth.

Let us with tuneful skill proclaim these generations of the Gods, that one may see them whenAdvance Vedic Science

Lexigraphy; where each

h-word, sentence, or hymn signifies a symbol. In this sense, the symbols on the seals are complementary with Vedic symbolism for demonstration and teaching with its text in Vedic hymn.

Interpret the Vedic hymns has been a great puzzle for scholars. It is because the scholars were not acquainted with the Vedic scientific terminology and the height of Vedic science. . UNESCO has included the ÿgveda in the list of world heritage. It is unanimously accepted that the Vedas are the oldest literary monuments of human civilization on earth.

Veda is the first word of the civilized person on the earth. “What can be more tedious than the Veda, and yet what can be more interesting, if once we know that it is the first word spoken by the Aryan man?” These are the words of F. Max Muller, who has the credit to introduce Vedas in the world. The ‘Aryan’ means civilized person.

DNA from Sun

The discovery of DNA by Watson and Crick in 1953 has brought a revolution in Biotechnology The scientists are involved in preparing Bio-weapons for chemical warfare. They are working in a retrogressive manner to destroy human civilization. DNA has much more to save humanity. The decipherment of the Indus Valley seals explores much more with its text in Vedas.

DNA is a vessel of Life, the purine and pyrimidine base pair have come from the sun with the inbuilt mechanism of transcription and translation with three immortal and three stages of life. The immortal phonon voice follows from generation to generation with new life.

Life is a trinity of three immortal

Three immortal

Hear all the Gods my words, Sarasvati give ear together with Puramdhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14)

Speak forth the three words, the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produces nectar.

Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the infant (Rig. 7-101-1)

The Sarasvati thought words ensign of existence with the chemical energy of food, which generates thoughts in mind and vital energy ensign of life manifest with action, the germ of plants and infants as well.

The three immortal; the resonant vibration of words precede light, they together produced the nectar, which milk this udder with cell body, the ensign of existence. With this, the fundamental energy Soma, manifested like Bull, and Bull bellowed engendering germ of plants, the infant also. The speed of the resonant waves is more than the light, which stimulates the action.

  1. The immortal underlying space of sky imparted mass to elementary particles with resonant vibration, the ensign of the existence of all.
  2. The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feed the living-beings
  3. The immortal DNA with resonant words is the light of life for all.

Life on the earth is a trinity of three immortal. To evolve one’s self from animal instincts to human instincts and higher divine instincts is the aim of life under the cycle of rebirth and death.

The thought and words of an individual are immortal, they follow mankind with immortal DNA from generation to generation with new life to face the consequences of his deeds in life. It has been described as Rebirth or reincarnation in the Religious scriptures.

The atmospheric ocean is a treasure house of immortal phonon thought words and beholds life consciousness. The hair knot on the head in Indian culture denotes the same.

Einstein’s Unification Theory

Einstein was motivated. The intellect seeking after an integrated theory cannot rest content with the assumption that there exist two distinct fields independent of each other by their nature,” Einstein said in his Nobel lecture in 1923.

The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon, it has been termed both the father and their son metaphorically.

GNlew<eebž efHeNleesle Jeež HegN$e Sž<eecegNlew<eebž p³esN GNle Jeež keÀefveNë~

SkeÀesž n osNJees cevežefmeN ÒeefJežäë ÒeLeNcees peeNleë me GN ieYexç DeNvleë~~

Both their father is also their son; both the chief is also the meanest (Kani–—ha) of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb Ath. 10-8-28

The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon. They together have been termed as both the father and their son metaphorically. of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb. . Out of these two, one Phonon has entered in the mind first and stimulates the language of DNA in the womb, the phonon is earliest, it has activated the Dark matter in pre=cosmic condition.

Vedic Science is in the metaphors and riddles with symbolism. They have used anthropomorphism to denote phenomena at the molecular level. The Vedic hymns have their beginning, with the discovery of a single unified force and dualistic force of fundamental energy Photon and Phonon.

HeNtJee&NHeNjb ®ežjlees ceeN³e³ewNleew efMeMetN $eÀer[žvleewN Heefjž ³eeleesçCe&NJeced~

efJeéeeNv³ees YegJežvee efJeN®eäž $eÝNletBjèŠv³ees efJeNoOežppee³emesN veJežë ¤23¤

By their power these Twain in close succession move;

They go as playing children around the sacrifice.

The electromagnetic rays travel with vibrations and sound in close succession with actions and interactions.

‘‘One of the pair beholdeth all existing things; the other ordereth seasons and is born again’’ Rg.10- LXXXV-18b.

One holds all existing things is immortal phonon,, and other photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time and is born again.

The Phonon is the earliest. It has activated the dark matter with resonance. The phonon and photon manifested with blast and light as a dualistic complementary force of vital energy. The phonon stimulates the event to happen and the photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s equation E=Mc².

The immortal phonon follows The A„vins nucleotide pair from generation to generation with new life.

‘‘One of the pair beholdeth all existing things; the other ordereth seasons and is born again’’ Rg.10- LXXXV-18b.

Caste system

The caste system is indigenous to India, which is based on hereditary principles. The unity in diversity has flourished in the Indian subcontinent under the caste system, they observed cultural integrity. To project diversity, the British Emperor of India has used monotheism and polytheism to divide the Indians in the name of Religion.

The Indus Valley Civilization– Lamberg, Karlovsky, who drew attention to the astounding degree of cultural homogeneity in the vast area of the Indus Valley Civilization, juxtaposed with the lack of any evidence for a centralized political structure. Not only is there uniformity of culture, but the physical layout of the community is replicated irrespective of whether it is the 5-acre site of Allahdino or the 150-acre site of Mohenjo-Daro. Lamberg-Karlovsky believes this ‘enigma’ can be adequately explained by supposing that only an exceptional social organization such as the caste system can account for this. He finds a variety of archaeological evidence to support this. The residential units at Indus sites, for example, were much larger than other contemporaneous sites, suggesting a stronger sense of kin identities or groupings. He notes that competition in a class-structured society results in a much wider variety of styles and methods of production, wherein in a caste system, much more uniformity is to be expected, as is evidenced by the artifacts unearthed in the Indus Valley sites. Caste organization would also explain the social stability of such a massive culture in the absence of a centralized state or chieftainship. Finally, the concern with purity in a caste system is simply evidenced in the Archaeological record by the un-parallel attention and concern given to the control of and access to water and sanitation; at Mohenjo-Daro, there is an average of one well for every three houses.

If we consider the hypothesis of Lamberg-Karlovsky that the Caste system is indigenous to India, which is based on hereditary characteristics, its principles can be seen in Indus Valley gene technology.

The Creator

The creation has evolved from supreme unborn energy, under the laws of thermodynamics. The atom is the building block of creation. The infinite eternal original cosmic energy is the source of the creation. The quarks and the subatomic particles are the first in the series. The appearance of the infinite original cosmic energy in the nucleus has bound the proton and neutron in the atom. It is holistic Bell’s theorem 1972 by Clauser, Freedman, David Böehm, and Alain Aspect in 1985 David Böehm wrote on this great finding. The essential new quality implied by quantum theory is non-locality. This leads to the radically new notion of the unbroken wholeness of the universe. (Foundation of Physics, 5, 1975, P 94)

The same has been described as indestructible supreme in the Vedas. The same has been explored by the prophets, philosophers, and seers as creators. It is a single unified force. It has maintained its continuity in atoms, molecules, and matter, hence it has been said that the creator has created man in his own image.


The life has evolved from a single cell, and the demonstration of chemical synthetic process of evolution A.I, Oparin 1922 open new chapter on the origin of life. The discovery of DNA by Watson and Crick in 1953 has opened a new vista in biotechnology. At the cellular level, we all are related to each other with common ancestry in DNA.

Darwin 1859 has given the theory of organic evolution, and at once, we consider it against the theories of religious scriptures. Just for example if we look into the description of creation in the Holy Bible and Quraan. In the chapter Genesis symbolically, it has been described that God has created the creation in seven days, and we have discarded the theory of evolution, it has intensified the problem, we have ignored that the one day of God is equivalent to one thousand years. It means the creation came into the existence, with the gradual process of evolution. God has created nature and entered into nature to regulate creation. Hence it has been said that everything is for wise utilization.

Divine light

The inquiry into the self by the Saints, seers, prophets, and philosophers ends with the enlightenment with Divine light. For this, they have commonly used the technique of concentration and meditation on one object. The enlightenment related to divine light is the source of confirmation of formless God and soul symbolically and said that God is light of light. They have narrated the creation and life in a symbolic fashion to restore the faith of the common man on ethics in life because one has to face the consequences of his deeds under the cycle of rebirth and death. It has been expressed symbolically as hell or heaven. The differences in code of conduct are according to the space, time, and social environmental conditions.

Along with this they have also said that they are not preaching a new thing, it is the renovation of the old truth preached by our ancient ancestors. They have also given references of old books, which were beyond interpretation.

Divine Light is a scientific fact related to the pineal gland situated in the midbrain. It is a photoreceptor gland and secretes the darkness hormone Melatonin at night. It receives messages along fibers from nerve cells of the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus, which themselves receive signals from the eye via fibers of the optic nerve with the rising of the sun.

The pineal gland can be stimulated from the base of sitting with meditation. It is actually the stimulation of nerves of the nervous system. The pineal gland is related to a biological cloak. The nerves shine and disturbances in the biological cloak give psychic experiences. These experiences are beyond explanation and different from man to man. Hence they can not be confirmed by another person, but the experience of the divine light is one and the same.

The formless God and Soul are two faces of the same coin. They are one and the same, God is the principle of creation and the Soul is the principle of life, they are beyond any miracle, they are present everywhere, it is miracle in self. The scientists are very much against the aim of life on the earth and transmigration. To know the principle of life and creation is knowledge. The unreal has no existence, and really never ceased to be.

DNA is the blue chip of life with Rebirth

DNA is an immortal instrument with all information about life and death with hereditary characters. The four bases with 64 triplet code and hydrogen triple bond in between the nucleotide pair embody all secrets of life on the earth.

The discovery of Radio waves, sound, electricity, magnetism, and heat has brought a revolution in different fields. The radio waves can be transmitted through electromagnetic energy, and tapping sound energy on magnetic tapes has brought a revolution in telecommunication.

The living beings are not away from these phenomena. They have an inherent mechanism of tapping and communicating with the origin of life. It has evolved into an advanced form of words and thought from the sound of vibrations. The sound of a word is eternal and the thought is its dormant form.

Life on the earth is a hereditary life principle. It appears with the union of fertilized DNA, eternal cosmic energy, and chemical energy of food metabolism in the womb of the mother. The immortal sound of words is the stimulator of language in the DNA. The metabolism is the source of consciousness. Life appears with birth and disappears with death.

DNA is the blue chip of life. Due to the fresh encoding, the past memories become suppressed. It gives unusual experiences and decides the fate in life. Hence even time twins have different DNA and fate in life.

It has been described by the seers and prophets symbolically with ethics in life, under the cosmic cycle of rebirth and death. To evolve one’s own self towards higher is the aim of life.


The infinite eternal original cosmic energy is the source of the creation. The quarks and the subatomic particles are first in the series. The appearance of the infinite original cosmic energy in the nucleus has binds the proton and neutron in the atom. It is holistic Bell’s theorem 1972 by Clauser, Freedman, David Böehm, and Alain Aspect in 1985

The eternal cosmic energy binds the nucleus in the atom is holistic, it connects our solar system with the cosmos. It has appeared first in the atom and maintained its continuity in the molecules, matter, and living beings.

The movement of the hydrophilic colloidal ions in the closed system has generated the insipient nucleus in the center. It is the first symbol of life. It has maintained its continuity with cell division and evolution.

The eternal cosmic energy appears with the formation of the fertilized zygote in the womb from the mother. The immortal sound of words is the stimulator of language in the DNA. And metabolism is the source of consciousness. They appear with birth in the womb as a hereditary life principle and disappear with death.

The DNA is responsible for the development of the physical body with sense organs. Their functions are stimulated by their objects, just like the sound of words and pictures. They stimulate the multiple faculty of the brain with thought in a fraction of a second.

The sense organs and the brain are the vehicles of DNA through the nervous system and electrical impulses. They execute the functions with thought and memory stored in DNA and record the actions in life till death.

The coding of words begins with the opening of the mental code in the womb. It suppressed the memory of the previous birth. The whole body is synthesized from the DNA and is connected with the brain with the nervous system and electrical impulses. Hence it stimulates the multiple faculty of the brain with multiple thoughts in a fraction of a second.

After death, the physical body disintegrates in nature, and the immortal thought words remain in the universe. They search DNA instruments for operation. DNA is universally present in living beings. It requires a specific code with complimentary thought resting in nature.

As soon as the fertilized DNA divide in the womb, a language code opens on the DNA, which is the code for the mental development of the brain, the mental code is specific, which attracts the specific thought mentality resting in the sky, if the mental code and thought mentality are complimentary with each other, then the thought of an individual tie down with the DNA, and open the language code on the DNA, with the past memory of an individual. With this, the cell metabolism is the source of consciousness, and the physical body develops as per the hereditary characteristics of the parents. Due to the fresh encoding, the past memories become suppressed. It gives unusual experiences and decides the fate in life. Hence even time twins have different DNA and fate in life.

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