October 10, 2024

Dr CP Trivedi

The Lost Paradise on Earth

A most amazing discovery of the earth is the excavation at Grand Canyon in Arizona, North America. The scientists regarded it as not only the oldest discovery but one of the most valuable in the world. Turtle Eye land GRAND CANYON, ARIZONA, NORTH AMERICA THE UNDERGROUND CAVE CITY



Ieiginal planning of the city and map

Several hundred rooms have been discovered, reached by passageways running from the main passage, one of them having been explored for 854 feet and another 634 feet.

The “iva in meditation 11 thousand years old Statue recovered at Grand Canyon North America Smithsonian Institute Americain the Purusha sukta, where the fundamental energy has been imagined metaphorically in the form of a Purusha, with innumerable head, eyes, and feet, he pervades the earth and the world and even above and in ten fingers wide space, it indicates that the fundamental energy-Purusha is present everywhere.

The Vedic yaj¤a is a term for the actions and interactions, the whole creation is a Srishti Yaj¤a, where actions and interactions are going on in series The Vedic seers have indicated it in the first hymn of the Rig-Veda through the metaphor of Yaj¤a Rig. 1-1-1

I invoke the Agni- (fundamental energy) who is the priest, Deva (fundamental particles), sacrificer, and reciter of the Srishti, Yaj¤a, which is the treasure of jewels.

I invoke fundamental energy, he is the priest as controller of the creation sacrifice-yaj¤a, he is the Deva-fundamental particles of the yaj¤a. He is sacrificer, it means he add fuel in the creation for yaj¤a-actions and interactions, he is the reciter- who chant the hymns during the yaj¤a, it means he is the source of

actions in the creation and he is treasure of jewels. It means the fundamental energy is the source of every thing, which is going on and present in the creation.

The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon, it has been termed both the father the father and their son metaphorically.

I saw from far away the smoke of fuel with spires that rose on high that beneath it. The Mighty men have dressed the spotted bullock. These were the customs in the days a foretime Rig.1-164-43.

The mighty man- fundamental energy has dressed the spotted bullock, Tvashta with his two daughters Saranyu, and Sanjana, the purine and pyrimidine base pair with three places of Ashvins- nucleotide pairs purine and ptrimidine bases of DNA Tvashta HIS TWO DAUGHTER SARANYU AND SANJANA ON HIS SIDE

He BrAhamin was his mouth, of both his arms was the Rajanya made.

His thigh became the Vaishya, from his feet Sudra was produced ÿg.10-90-12

Brahma‡o’ Asya mukham asid, Brahamin are like his mouth,

Bahu rajaniah krtah; Kshatriya is like his arms.

Uru tad VaIsya ; Vaishya is like his thigh,


Padbhyam shudro ajayata, from his feet ƒudra is born, ignorant of knowledge, All are born ignorant of knowledge with education work in the society as per their mental ability.

The answer has been given that Padbhyam Shudro ajayata – that from his feet „udra- the persons are born without knowledge, which indicates that all are initially born as ignorant of knowledge. With the development of the physical body, with their mental ability and quality, they act in society as Vai„ya, who support the society through business, they are like the thigh of the Purusha, the warrior class who protects the society with physical strength, they are like his arms, and the intellectuals, who give guidance to the society through knowledge, they are like his mouth.

It is important to note that only the birth of the ƒudra from the feet has been indicated, otherwise, it has been said that Brahmin became like his mouth, Kshatriya became like his arms, and Vai„ya became like his thigh. It means all are born like ƒudra with birth,

Life is trinity of three immortal

Hear all the Gods my words, Sarasvati give ear together with Puramdhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14)

Speak forth the three words, the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produces nectar.

Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the infant (Rig. 7-101-1)

The Sarasvati thought words ensign of existence with the chemical energy of food, which generates thoughts in mind and vital energy ensign of life manifest with action, the germ of plants and infants as well.

The three immortal; the resonant vibration of words precede light, they together produced the nectar, which milk this udder with cell body, the ensign of existence. With this, the fundamental energy Soma manifested like Bull, and Bull bellowed engendering germ of plants, the infant

The speed of the resonant waves is more than the light, which stimulates the action.


The immortal underlying space of sky imparted mass to elementary particles with resonant vibration, ensign of the existence of all.


The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feeds living beings.


The immortal DNA with resonant words is light of life for all

The phonon beholds all existing

Dualistic Force of Vital Energy

The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon, it has been termed both the father and their son metaphorically. The phonon is immortal.

उ॒तैषां॑ पि॒तोत वा॑ पु॒त्र ए॑षामु॒तैषां॑ ज्ये॒ उ॒त वा॑ कनिः॒।

एको॑ ह दे॒वो मन॑सि॒ प्रवि॑ष्टः प्रथ॒मो जा॒तः स उ॒ गर्भेऽ अ॒न्तः॥

Both their father is also their son; both the chief is also the meanest (Kani–—ha) of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb Ath. 10-8-28

The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon. They together have been termed as both the father and their son metaphorically. of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb. . Out of these two, one Phonon has entered in the mind first and stimulates the language of DNA in the womb, the phonon is earliest, it has activated the Dark matter in pre=cosmic condition.

पर्वा॒प॒रं चरतो मा॒ययै॒तौ शिशू क्रोडन्तौ परि यातोऽर्ण॒वम्।

विश्वा॒न्यो भुवना वि॒चष्ट ऋतूँरन्यो वि॒दधज्जायसे॒ नवः ॥२३॥

By their power these Twain in close succession move;

They go as playing children around the sacrifice.

The electromagnetic rays travel with vibrations and sound in close succession with actions and interactions.

‘‘One of the pair beholdeth all existing things; the other ordereth seasons and is born again’’ Rg.10- LXXXV-18b. One holds all existing things is phonon, which is immortal, and other photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time and is born again.

The immortal phonon follows The A„vins nucleotide pair from generation to generation with new life.

Single unified force FUNDAMENTAL ENERGY is working with its dualistic force back forward the evolution of thought words in the opposite direction

Back Forward goes he grasped by strength inherent the Immortal born the brother of the mortal. Ceaseless they move in the opposite direction: men mark one and fail to mark the other ÿg. 1-164-38

It has been expressed that the generation of the thought in mind is the immortal source of life. The generation of thoughts in the mind is just like the brother of the mortal physical body. The thoughts in the mind and the development of the physical body operate ceaselessly in opposite direction. The man marks the decay of the physical body with death, but he fails to mark the fate of his thought actions. move in the opposite direction, Immortal the Brother of Mortal Rigveda 1–164–38

G. E. Kinkaid believed himself to be the first white person born in Idaho. He was an explorer and hunter all his life, working thirty years for the Smithsonian Institute.

The Grand Canyon is a forbidden zone – no one is allowed into this large area. We could only conclude that this was the area where the vaults were located. Yet today, this area is curiously off-limits to all hikers and even, in large part, park personnel.


One of the natural wonders of planet Earth, the Grand Canyon in the American southwest stretches across this early evening skyscape. The concentric arcs are centered on the north celestial pole, the extension of Earth’s rotation axis into space, presently near the bright star Polaris.

The photon and phonon are coming from the sun in concentric circles


The Colorado River and Canyon with abundant uranium was the source of energy in the underground tunnel city of Grand Canyon. At one time the Lovelock Cave was known as Horseshoe cave because of its U-shaped interior to denote Uranium.

This Copper Statue demonstrates air machine

U-shaped Love Lock cave

The temples of the underground city of Canyon reveal the fact that it was a big laboratory, just like the Large Hadron Collider at Geneva, (LHC) at Cern lies in a circular tunnel almost 17 miles around. It’s so big it’s partly in Switzerland, partly in France. It took 10 years and thousands of scientists and engineers to build it. For Higgs field; The British Scientist Peter Higgs & Francois Englert of Belgium Get 2013 Physics Nobel Prize.

. The Colorado river, abundant uranium was the source of energy in the underground tunnel city of the Grand Canyon, At one time the Lovelock Cave was known as Horseshoe cave because of its U-shaped interior to denote Uranium.

After completing of their work, they evacuated the land leaving behind only some, mummies, and pictures on the walls and caves. Otherwise, water and food may have created havoc. The caves were prepared for safe work in a remote area without cultivated land. The places look like temples are actually labs for different branches. The local people, who have been involved with their work remained here as Hopi Indians, and scientists moved away. The Grand Canyon lost its existence in past, due to scarcity of food and water. The HOPI INDIANS OF AMERICA ARE STILL IN AMERICA



Down on which looks the purple–tinted Eagle. Pour ye that flowing wave this day, deft-handed Rig-Veda 10-30-2

Go thou unto those Waters, O Adhwaryu, and purify with herbs what thou infusest rich in sweets, child of water 10-30-5 (Alchemy)

The place, where the rocks are shining looks like purple tinted Eagle. With skill of technology the flowing hypersonic waves can be collected as child of water. The water flowing here is enrich with vital power, purify it with herbs and child of water.

It is the same vital energy, which hold the creation, life consciousness and working everywhere. Its place is in the deep see water align with earth’s geomagnetic belt.



with lips, that stammer, hymn chanters wander and are discontented Rig. 10-82-7

The lip-shaped space enclosed in the body is the seat of vital energy

Serpent power ‘Kundalini’ You will not find him who produced these a hidden source of life in the body, it lies dormant at the base between the pelvic girdle.

Enwrapt in misty cloud’, with lips, that stammer, hymn chanters wander and are discontented Rig. 10-82-7

Lip shaped cavity at the base of sitting is the place of Serpent power ‘KUNDALINI’ VITAL ENERGY.

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