Bhojshala DHAR : Serpent power Kundalini awakening on the Pillars of Kamal Moula Mosque

–Dr. C.P. Trivedi
-Kishore Trivedi
Science of Serpent power awakening on the Pillars of Kamal Moula Mosqu
King Bhoja, who ruled between circa 1000 and 1055 in central India, is considered one of the greatest kings in the Indian tradition. [7] He was a patron of Sanskrit and Veda. He has engraved the science of the serpent power awakening process on the pillars of Vagdevi Sarasvati Temple at Bhojshala Dhar M.P.
The temple was destroyed by the invaders and the pillars used in the Kamal Moula Mosque. Now Vagdevi statue is in British Museum and the Bhojshala is under ASI. The pillars in the Mosque speak the science of serpent power awakening with its text in Veda as a Cultura Heritage of India.
inscriptions found by K. K. Lele at Kamāl Maula

The serpent’s power rises like a flickering tongue from the base of the sitting
He only is the Sea holder of treasures: born many a time he views the hearts within us. He hides him in the secret bosom. The bird dwells in the middle of the fountain Rig-Veda 10-5-1
He born of old, in middle air hath halted, and sought and found the covering robe of Pushan 10-5-5
You will not find him who produced these creatures: another thing hath risen up among you.
Enrapt in misty cloud’, with lips, that stammer, hymn chanters wander and are discontented Rig. 10-82-7
The lip-shaped space enclosed in the body is the seat of vital energy
Serpent power ‘Kundalini’ You will not find him who produced these a hidden source of life in the body, it lies dormant at the base between the pelvic girdle.
Enwrapt in misty cloud’, with lips, that stammer, hymn chanters wander and are discontented Rig. 10-82-7
The Lip shaped cavity between the pelvic girdle at the base of sitting has been engraved on the left side of the picture on top.
It has been expressed by a coiled serpent at the base of the picture, where the body rests at the feet.
With service and devotion to learning with eight disciplines, the pupil realized the light in the brain with the awakening of the serpent power trembling with tongue.
Agni was born trembling with the tongue that flickered so that the Red’s great children should be honored. The chemical energy of photosynthesis with food metabolism is the source of life.
The serpent power kUNDALINI rises like a flickering tongue engraved on the top of right side of the picture

Hear all the Gods my words, Sarasvati give ear together with Puramdhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14)
Speak forth the three words, the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produces nectar.
Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the infant (Rig. 7-101-
- So favor us this night, O thou whose pathways we have visited.
As birds their nest upon the tree 4
By tracing the secret pathways of the immortal phonon, they have concluded that it strikes and rebounds. Life is like birds their nest upon the tree.
The resonant shock waves annihilated the darkness with light and replaced the complimentary resonant vibrations of light as her sisters. The resonant dark waves act just like a bird’s nest on the tree, and the Vac immortal thought words Sarasvati cell magically holds the life with inspiration of thoughts in action. .
The flow of life channels
Seven sisters sprung from a threefold source, (abiding in the three worlds that are, heaven earth, and air) the Five Tribes prosper, she must be Invoked in every deed of might (Rig-Veda 6-61-12)
The seven sisters represent seven rays of visible light, and seven syllables of voice, they are flowing in a three-fold manner and nourish five gross elements air, water, sun; energy, sky, and earth; matter with life in countless channels, the lord of speech Sarasvati should be propitiated in every act of life.
It has been engraved on the pillars with the serpent power awakening.

Life is like a birds nest upon a tree.
) hall was built primarily from temple pillars and parts around 1390 CE,

As on a car, the flood flows on surpassing in majesty and might all other waters (ÿg-Veda 7-95- 1)
This Stream SarasvatÏ with fostering current comes forth our sure defense our fort of iron.
The SarasvatÏ has been invoked as the goddess of wisdom with voice. Her stream of voice is flowing in the body, just like the stream of the river with fostering current for the defense of the body. The current of thought is mighty and it surpasses all other sources of life.

Evolution of thought words in the opposite direction
Back Forward goes he grasped by strength inherent the Immortal born the brother of the mortal. Ceaseless they move in the opposite direction: men mark one and fail to mark the other Rig. 1-164-38
It has been expressed that the generation of the thought in mind is the immortal source of life. The generation of thoughts in the mind is just like the brother of the mortal physical body. The thoughts in the mind and the development of the physical body operate ceaselessly in opposite direction. The man marks the decay of the physical body with death, but he fails to mark the fate of his thought actions.
The voice is the identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounced it with the birth of an infant to cherish life.
The speech hath been measured out in four divisions the BrÈhma‡s, who have understanding know them. Three kept in close concealment causes no motion of speech men to speak only the fourth division Rig. 1-164-45
It has been indicated here that the speech has four measuring divisions, the men speak only the fourth, and the rest three are concealed. It means men speak only the fourth the Vaikhri-vac. The three other Para, PashyantÏ, and Madhyama remain dormant. It also reveals the truth that man is acquainted with only one-fourth of the Vac-speech energy and the rest three-fourths in secret.
The cosmos is a vast ocean of imperishable words, it is known as parÈ words away from perception when it is realized in perception by the sense organs, it is known as PashyantÏ, it generates thoughts in the brain, it is known as Madhyama, and the man speaks it in the fourth step to express thought in the words from the mouth, it is known as Vaikhri-vac.

The mother’s great inherent power I muse
Ye store the germ of life in female creatures, ye lay it up within all living beings.
Ye have sent forth, O Asvins passing mighty, the fire, the Sovran of the wood, the waters Rig. 1-157-5
Life speaks
The mother’s great inherent power I muse
Hear all the Gods my words, SarasvatÏ give ear together with PuraŠdhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14)

Awakening of the Serpent power from the base of sitting

The serpent power rises in the middle of the spinaghord