mainआलेख-राशिफलब्रेकिंग न्यूज़

Bharatiya Oop Mahadweep Jambu Dweep

-Dr CP Trivedi

The politicians have a problem misguiding the people in the name of faith. Bharat has freedom of faith, Mahabharat is cultural Identity, not blind faith.

People are confused with Hindu’ Hindustan named by the invaders, and India named by the British with the discovery of the Indus Valley. by Sir John Marshal in 1920 Known as Grand India Maha Bharat the Bharatiya Subcontinent the oldest civilization in Earth. Developed independently from the world with the vast ocean of Sanskrit Literature, written during different eras of civilization based on the ancillary of Veda.

Vedic culture flourished on the Earth from 18000, thousand to 50,000/ years ago, report of the Max Planck Society Germany the report Climap Ice age on the Earth before 18 thousand years ago.

Rigveda is the oldest literary monument of human civilization, UNESCO included in the World Heritage list.

After the ice age, Rig-Vedic knowledge was incorporated in Yajurveda, Sama Veda, its modification is Atharvaveda.

For the common public Valmiki Ramayan written by the sage Valmiki, signifies Treta Yuga the journey of Vital Energy from Darkness to light. Ram Vital Energy personified as Model with Sita primordial Phonon wave up to the assembly of three immortal, the three components of an atom with energy, and space in the nucleus laid down the foundation of the creation. With energy in the space of the nucleus is flying termed as ‘Hanuman, the energy in space of the nucleus is holistic..

Dwapar Yuga signifies the Duality of human nature with evolution creating conflict in society with the quest for Land.

MAHA BHARAT is written as an ancillary of Vedic knowledge of creation, and Life MAHA BHARAT is the name of the land mass Indian subcontinent Jambu Dweep.

Lord Krishna, is personified as an indestructible supreme Sky the ensign of the existence of all, and present everywhere. ‘Radha’ is a phonon, wave. the seed-bearing mother of all., and brought forward the infinite nature in action with five gross elements. Kunti is Nature and her five sons are five gross elements. Karna is the sun, the source of light and Energy, Resonant rays of light with immortal DNA are the light of life for all, The resonant voice words Sarasvati flow in countless channels with life, and the hundred sons of ‘Kaurav’ are 100 elements, which stretch the world like spider’s web.

The Puranas were written as ancillary of Veda and embody the history of the Cosmos, with the personification of nature, and natural factor forces as deities. Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh are the trinity of the three immortals, the creator Sky ensign of existence, the solar energy with photosynthesis is the guardian of the creation, personified as ‘Vishnu’ and Laxmi chemical energy of photosynthesis is the source of all wealth on the Earth,

Mahesh Mahadeva the vital energy as creator, and destroyer.

Mahadeva is in trance and Sati is the personification of the pre-cosmic condition.

, The powerful vibrational wave phonon is earliest brought forward the dormant Dark Matter in action, and vital energy exploded with the blasts and Light, The radiant flame is Jyotirlinga, all emerge from him, and merge into the same with time.

The flow of the fundamental particles with Big Bang is the cosmic dance of Natraj’ Mahadeva’vital energy in action.

The photon is the first fundamental particle electron is the smallest unit of light, and its counterpart Phonon wave termed as calf of Mahadeva and Sati Parvati, Ganesh, and Kartikeya,

The photon and invisible phonon with equal and opposite wavelengths brought forward the creation in action as a system, The immortal phonon; Kartikeya stimulates the event with electron transfer Ganesh, and the photon undergoes synthesis, and degradation with time, Companion of Ganesh electron transfer is oxidation and reduction reaction in the chain, both are auspicious, and beneficial for the creation, Riddhi, and Siddhi, through the Mahadeva’ vital energy control, and regulate the creation. Where electron Ganesh is the first to regulate the creation, Ganesh is worshiped on all auspicious occasions first. Swastika in hand represents auspicious and beneficial reactions in the forward and backward reversible reactions.

Sanskrit was not taught to Ignorant in India, that without the knowledge of the creation will interpret

in the wrong direction, like you are comparing the vast ocean of knowledge with faith in one book.

Statue of Lord Brahma from Central Java. with three immortal

Brahama with Three Faces to express creation is the trinity of three immortals. working together in one being. 1. The Skyspace ensign of existence Higgs Field 20122. The vital energy in space created the creation of energy transformation under the laws of thermodynamics, the phonon vibrational wave stimulates the event, and the photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s E=Mc² generated Sun solar disc in front radiating Lotus Petals:

The Ashvins are crowned with lotusesLife is the Trinity of Three Immortals, which blossom like a flower from Pitcher, immortal DNA as a vessel, Life consciousness appears with birth and disappears with death. The radiating lotus petals express that the biological world has been crowned with nucleotide pairs of DNA.O SinÏvÈlÏ set the germ; set thou the germ SarasvatÏ. May the twain gods bestow the germ. The A„vins are crowned with lotuses. The immortal thought words set the germ in the womb of the mother and the nucleotide pairs of the DNA crowned like the lotus flower, accordingly, the nucleotide pairs of the DNA develop the infant. It has been expressed by The Ashveins crowned with lotuses

.1. The Higgs field, the immortal underlying space of the sky imparted mass to elementary particles, a sign of the existence of all.2. The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feeds living beings with food metabolism and is the source of life.3. The immortal DNA with immortal resonant words is the light of life for all with the activation of DNA mental code in the womb of the mother. The basement of the mosque has engravings of flowers and a ‘Kalash’ (a pitcher).14. Pitcher DNA vessel of life created the animate creation, The photon, and phonon with purine and pyrimidine base run parallel with cosmology,. The phonon and photon created the inanimate creation.


The Sarasvati thought words ensign existence with the chemical energy of food, which generates thoughts in the mind, and vital energy ensigns of life appears with birth and disappears with aging and death, the germ of plants and infants as well. The immortal thought words follow the immortal Tvashta DNA from generation to generation with new life. Life on the earth is a trinity of three immortals. To evolve one’s self from animal instincts to human instincts and higher divine instincts is the aim of life under the cycle of rebirth and death. Cultural

Heritage of Bhartiya Subcontinent G 20 mandapam The NATRAJ, Konark Temple Sun Wheel, and Sea churning ‘SAMUDRA MANTHAN’ displayed are attracting all delegates with Glory of Bharat

JYOTIRLINGA’, vital energy activated first as ‘Jyotirlinga’ Radiant flame, the
the first symbol of vital energy in existence. The storm of the fundamental
particles flow with incandescent clouds like dancers in concentric circles
expressed as the Cosmic dance of Mahadeva’s vital energy ‘NATRAJ’

The electromagnetic waves of light travel with vibration an
sound together, just like dancers.

When ye, O Gods, in yonder deep close clasping one another
stood; Thence, as of dancers, from your feet, a thickening cloud of dust arose Rig. 10-72-6


eight spoke wheel, the cycle of Nature with Eight sons of Aditi Whatever is whatever will be is nature only Harmony with nature only way for peace, and prosperity in Life.

ADITI NATURE and Eight spoke Wheel Eight sons of Aditi

Eight are the Sons of Aditi who from her body sprang to life. With seven she went to meet God: she cast MÈrta‡Ça a far away. 8

Eight are the Sons of Aditi who from her body sprang to life. With seven she went to meet God: she cast Martanda far away. 8

The immortal seven syllables of voice with immortal DNA are the eight sons of the Nature Aditi, They sprang to life from the immortal phonon with the origin and evolution of life from DNA. The Aditi immortal phonon follows the DNA from generation to generation with new life. They have brought forward the infinite nature in action.

The natural components have been synthesized and disintegrated in a reversible direction. The phonon is an immortal and integral complementary part of the photon, which follows the synthesis and degradation in a reversible direction to reach its earlier age with the fundamental particles.

The seven rays of the complementary spectrum of visible light and the purine and pyrimidine base pair of the DNA are eight sons of Aditi nature. The seven visible rays of light synthesize atom, molecule, and matter with five gross elements, The immortal phonon stimulate the event and the photon undergoes the synthesis and degradation with time, the phonon follows it with synthesis and disintegration of the matter in a cyclic manner. It has been expressed

. With seven she went to meet God’s Fundamental particles

Wheel of Nature Aditi I


Eight are the Sons of Aditi who from her body sprang to life. With seven she went to meet God: she cast MÈrta‡Ça a far away. 8

The immortal seven syllables of voice with eighth immortal DNA are the eight sons of the Nature Aditi, They sprang to life from the immortal phonon with the origin and evolution of life from DNA. The Aditi immortal phonon follows the DNA from generation to generation with new life. They have brought forward the infinite nature in action.

Churning of the sea to conquer Golden Lanka

In the atmospheric sea, the toxic Ultra Violet Rays check the entry of white light with the Red Wavelength of light to check photosynthesis in the cell body. UV rays are demons Ravan of Golden Lanka Red wavelength of Light.

The source of all wealth on the Earth is Tvashta DNA with three immortal, and three stages of life surrounded by ten toxic x-rays and Ultraviolet rays are obstacles in the photosynthesis of Golden Lanka for Earth.

Ravan Demon’s obstacle with ten toxic rays imprisoned all the natural forces within, and defeated Indra-electrostatic charge, Lord of heaven checked.

The generation of the vital energy in the naval of the Tvashta DNA with electrostatic charge is the only way to release subatomic particles. imprisoned by Ravan with ten toxic rays.

Ram Fundamental Energy with equal, and opposite wavelength ‘Sita’ is the activation of vital energy in action inhibited by the toxic UV rays, it has been expressed by the kidnap of ‘Sita’ by Demon Ravan.

Seru Bandh Bridge is the symbolic expression for the formation of the Magnetosphere in the cosmic sea has been expressed by the sea churning ‘Samudra Manthan’ the battle between the auspicious, and inauspicious reactions in the union of the equal, and opposite wavelength. The generation of the Magnetosphere around the Earth gave a place for the ionization, and the magnetic interactions trapped the solar flares with ionization,

The Higgs Field- underlying space imparted mass to the elementary particles with gravity the ions fell down towards the earth, underwent synthesis, and degradation with time.

The elementary particles are converted into ions and interactions of the atomic oxygen with UV rays convert the oxygen into the O3 Ozone layer. The ozone layer absorbs the toxic ultraviolet rays with the entry of the white resonant rays of light and gives way to the origin of life on the earth.

With the churning of the atmospheric ocean, the interactions of the sun’s magnetic field and the geomagnetic field of earth generated a magnetosphere around the earth and trapped the toxic solar flares, with the entry of fourteen gems.

(1) Chandra, the moon as part of the earth influences life

(2), Kalpa Vraksha tree of Life, Life has evolved from the immortal Tvashta DNA divide in the air like an image in the mirror, developed by Indra Electromagnetic bond energy.

(3) the elephant Airavata, Indra’s mount, the still, stable fundamental energy on which Indra-electricity acts with the electromagnetic energy.

(4) Kamadhenu, the cow of plenty,

Once only once, the heaven was made, and once only once, the earth was formed. Once, only Prisni’s milk (chlorophyll) was shed: no second, after this, is born Rig-Veda 6-48-22

It has been expressed that in the history of creation once only once the earth has taken its shape with cosmology. Prishni’s milk, Prishni is the name of a cow, that gives all types of food, the shed of chlorophyll pigment and DNA has been expressed by Prishni’s milk. It is the source of food chains and food webs in nature and feeds the creation with photosynthesis.

Once only once, the heaven was made, and once only once, the earth was formed. Once, only Prisni’s milk (chlorophyll) was shed: no second, after this, is born Rig-Veda 6-48-22

It has been expressed that in the history of creation once only once the earth has taken its shape with cosmology. Prishni’s milk, Prishni is the name of a cow, that gives all types of food, The shed of chlorophyll pigment and DNA has been expressed by Prishni’s milk. It is the source of food chains and food webs in nature and feeds the creation with photosynthesis.

(5) Varuni, the phonon wave impart mass to ions with gravity Varuna,

(6) Kalpavriksha, the fundamental energy is like Yaksha in the center all are connected with him like branches around the trunk of the tree, where the components of the creation take birth with time and merge into the same.

(7) The apsaras (celestial dancers), Electromagnetic Bond Energy Binds it and unbinds it, and the oxidation and Reduction reactions are celestial dancers.

To be fair goals travel two unlike in semblance: each in succession nourishes an infant. One bears a God-like Babe of golden color; bright and fair-shining is he with the other Rig-Veda 1-95-1

The function of DNA synthesis and duplication in the cell accompanied by reversible oxidation and reduction reaction, which speed up the process of duplication, has been expressed by the Ashvin Nucleotide pair of DNA

These sons of yours well skilled in work of wondrous power brought forth to life the two great mothers first of all. To keep the truth of all that stands and all that moves, ye guard the station of your sons who knows no guile Rig-Veda 1-CLIX-3

The oxidation and reduction reactions have been termed as two mothers of the creation. they feed and regulate the creation in an endless manner.

A certain pair of maidens, of diverse form, weaves, betaking themselves to it, the six-pegged web; the one draws forth the threads taunt, the other sets [them]; they wrest not off, they go not to an end Atharvaveda 10-7-42

(8) The celestial seven-headed white horse Uchchaisvaras the seven visible white resonant rays of light

The flow of life channels

Seven sisters sprung from a threefold source, (abiding in the three worlds that are, heaven earth, and air) The Five Tribes prosper, she must be Invoked in every deed of might (ÿg-Veda 6-61-12)

The seven sisters represent seven rays of visible light and seven syllables of voice, they flow in a three-fold manner from the sky sun, and atmosphere, wherein the magnetosphere ionization and the ozone layer in the atmosphere absorb toxic UV rays with the entry of the visible light on the earth, which nourish five gross elements air, water, sun; energy, sky, and earth; matter with life in countless channels.

(9) The goddess Lakshmi, The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis the source of all wealth with food metabolism brought forward the infinite nature in action with seven syllables of voice. The Red wavelength of light Vishnu’s solar rays converted into chemical energy with photosynthesis termed as Vishnu’s wife,

(10) Panchajanya, Vishnu’s conch, is the resonant wave adorn to the cell body with life

(11) Vishnu’s mace and magic bow, with gravity solar rays bind life between two bows ending with life and death.

(12) various gems, and (13–14)

Dhanvantari, the physician, the Tvashta, Ashvin’s nucleotide pair is a vessel of eternal life Amrit and the physician to cure all diseases.

Cultural heritage of Bhartiya Subcontinent

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