Architect of Partition Lord Mountbatten with Gift to Pt. Nehru and Jinnah to rule over the dead body of ‘Hindustan’

–Dr CP trivedi
The Religious partition was a great scandal and fraud to push the Indian subcontinent into Religious fundamentalism. Where ‘Hindu’ was never a Religion of India.
The Architect of the partition was Lord Mountbatten and Pt. Nehru and Jinnah were the tools.
Untold Story of Bogus Partition
The script of Partition was written long ago with the revolution of 1857. All Indians fought the battle together and shook the British Emperor, where never sunset. To break the unity of Indians, the British restricted the ‘Parikrama’ of Babri Mosque in 1857. It was going on from the very beginning of the Mosque as per the faith in ‘Ram Janm Bhumi’ of local people.
In 1006 they have supported the formation of the Muslim League to safeguard the Muslim interest. Similarly, they supported the formation of ‘Hindu Maha Sabha’ in 1915 and forced Indians to think either they are Hindu” or ‘Muslim’ ‘The British coined the term ‘Hindu Religion to rule over the country with divide and rule policy and constituted separate constituency for the Muslims to demarcate the difference between the converted and non-converted Indians.
This rift become widen with the implementation of partial democracy, where the ‘Muslim League’ was one political party against Congress. The ‘Hindu Mahasabha’ was not having much response against Congress.
The ‘Hindu was never a Religion of India like ‘Islam’ It was only to create a rift between the converted and non-converted Indians in the name of partial democracy under the British Govt.
The constitution of India was prepared by the British for the slave India in 1935 with a provision in the constitution that to spread the Religion by the Muslims and Christian as a constitutional right, where ‘Hindu’ was not a Religion and left Indians free to accept Islam or Christianity. We accepted the same constitution in 1952.with secularism, which was used to challenge the Religious authority of the Church during the French revolution,
India accepted it to deny ‘Hindu’ and to defend Muslims and Christian to spread their Religion with conversion as a constitutional right.
Lord Macaulay brought New Education Policy and taught that the Vedas are ‘Religious scriptures of ‘Hindu’
A question was raised in the British Parliament that with the new Education Policy the Indians will be provoked for freedom from Britain. Lord Macaulay given the answer that the Indians will be cut off from the roots of their culture and they hate it and will become mental slaves of Britain forever. Pt. Nehru and Jinnah were educated in London with no respect for Indian culture. In the same way, Indians are cut off from the Indian culture on the name of ‘Hindu’, it was never a Religion of India, under slavery, nobody was in a position to deny it.
The rift became dangerous in the name of the Religious bifurcation of India. It promoted communal riots all over India from 1942 to 1947 with the lust of power to rule over India in the name of Religion. The Indians were killing Indians police was spectators only as it was supported by the British Govt. to establish that the ‘Hindu’ and ‘Muslim’ are two races, they can’t leave together? With this, the British were ready to give freedom to India with the bifurcation of ‘Hindustan’ India into India and Pakistan and prepared a draft to be implemented by 1948
They came to know that Jinnah is suffering from T.B. and may pass away earlier and the bifurcation plan may not come out successful, there was no competent leader to rule over Pakistan in Muslim League. The British Emperor sent Lord Mountbatten to execute the plan. Looking at the situation he decided an earlier date Aug. 1947 for freedom and we know that Jinnah passed away after one year, as also felt guilty for the partition as his mistake.
The untold hidden story of Partition
Pakistan is suffering from illiteracy and poverty with religious fundamentalism and provoking hate for India. With partition, they are rootless only to provoke sentiments is their policy and Bangladesh separated in 1971, it means the foundation of Pakistan is rootless and will collapse with poverty and illiteracy.
No National leader including Gandhi was not in a position to oppose it because the divide and rule policy with the tranquility of religious opium was the British politics to rule over ‘Hindustan’
Lord Mountbatten offer Jinnah and Nehru to rule over India and Pakistan with the same policy, Hence Population exchange was not there.
‘Hindu’ was not a Religion like Islam, hence Congress preferred above ‘Hindu Maha-Sabha’ against Muslim League. It was the murder of a Nation with religious fundamentalism.
Even the Muslim rulers have not declared Hindustan’ as a Muslim state and converted have no right to a separate state. It was against International law. It has given a way for the further bifurcation of India with demography, and Muslims are increasing their population with the support of Pakistan and Bangladesh, and Pakistan demanding Kashmir due to the majority of Muslims. , Pakistan attacked thrice on India with the view that Muslims of India will support,
India should deny bogus bifurcation fraud with a clear message that the converted has no right to a separate state in the world. Till Pakistan is there the Indian illiterate Muslims will have an affinity for Muslim Pakistan.
India is secular from time immemorial, the creation is working as a system, and following ethics in life is the duty of every individual in life.
, I invoke the Agni- (fundamental energy) who is the priest, Deva (fundamental particles), sacrificer, and reciter of the S‚–—i, Yaj¤a, which is the treasure of jewels. ÿg. 1-1-1
I invoke fundamental energy, he is the priest as controller of the creation sacrifice-yaj¤a, and he is the Deva-fundamental particles of the yaj¤a. He is a sacrificer, which means he adds fuel in the creation for yaj¤a-actions and interactions, he is the reciter- who chants the hymns during the yaj¤a, it means he is the source of actions in the creation and he is a treasure of jewels. It means the fundamental energy is the source of everything, which is going on and present in the creation.
Lord Mountbatten satisfied Pt. Nehru and Jinnah ruled over India and Pakistan with a divide and rule policy. They have compromised with Lord Mountbatten.
We have acquired the same policy divide and rule from Britain and now the condition is worse to demand another Pakistan with the Holocaust of Indians in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Kashmir in the name of faith and so-called ‘Hindu’
The Partition was a conspiracy and fraud against India to rule over the dead body of Hindustan with a divide and rule policy, hence population exchange was not there. We are mental slaves of Britain and turned the pure democracy into a RULE OF FOOLS BY THE FOOLS, FOR THE FOOLS WITH THE TRANQUILITY OF RELIGIOUS OPIUM’
The condition is worse as. Churchill said in the British parliament that freedom should not be given to immature India. India will be full of corruption and scandal with freedom. We have proved it with corruption and scandals in all fields. No political party is away from it.
The discovery of the Indus Valley by Sir John Marshal in 1920 has put India on the list of ancient advanced countries of the world. British were surprised to see the long slavery of India, under Muslim rule. They have introduced Veda to the world as the most ancient record of the human civilization on earth. They establish affinity with the Brahmins and Sanskrit as close to European Languages. In the light of the Bible to deny the antiquity of India, the European scholars brought forward ‘Aryan invasion theory and the British used it for their divide and rule policy. Lord Macaulay brought a new education policy for slave India and taught the Vedas are Religious Scriptures of India without interpretation.
With the lust for power to rule over the dead body of ‘Hindustan’, Indians accepted the partition of India in the name of ‘Hindu Religion’, which was never a Religion of India, and the British pushed India into Religious fundamentalism forever with a challenge to India to achieve its glorious past,