October 12, 2024

Dr CP Trivedi


 The freedom of 1947 with the bifurcation of India was a Himalayan blunder, it has pushed the Indian subcontinent into a dark tunnel of religious fundamentalism with poverty and illiteracy in the name of the so-called ‘Hindu Religion’ to accept the British conspiracy was a curse. The invaders named ‘Bharat’ as ‘Hindustan’ and the resident of the ‘Hindustan is ‘Hindu’.

The ‘Hindu’ was never a Religion of the Indian subcontinent. The invaders and British have used ‘Hindu’ to differentiate between the converted and non-converted Indians. They have named Indian culture as ‘Hindu’ Religion and forced the Indians to think either they are ‘Hindu’ or ‘Muslim’ The concept of religion, which is there in the world is not in India and the concept of ‘Dharma’ duty of an individual in life is not in the world. The British have sown the seed of poison on the name of the superstition and Religion and ruled over ‘Hindustan’ with a divide and rule policy and partial democracy.

Before the British rule, the Indians were living together peacefully. The British were surprised to see how they are living with different ideologies and faith. They were having bitter experiences of religious fundamentalism and war in Europe. To take the revenge of the revolution against the British rule in 1857, the Indians fought together and shook the British Emperor in London. They have coined the term ‘Hindu Religion’ which was never a religion of India and forced the Indians to think in the language of religion either they are ‘Hindu’ or ‘Muslim’ and to create a rift, with ‘this Hindu or that Hindu’ and raised the issue of Babri Mosque with restricting Hindus for the ‘Parikrama of ‘Shri Ram Birth place’.in 1857, which was going on from the very beginning of the ‘mosque’. It was the beginning to create a rift between the converted and non-converted Hindus. They together faced slavery and poverty under Muslim rule for 700 years and still face poverty and illiteracy in the Indian subcontinent, due to the unnatural bifurcation of India. The formation of the ‘Muslim League’ with the support of the British in 1906 was a major event to unite converted Muslims of India. Later on, they supported the formation of ‘Hindu Maha Sabha’ in 1915, they moved around the British and supported the British policy of divide and rule.

To rule over the country with the independence movement the rift turned into hate for each other with communal riots from 1942 to 1947 all over India to justify the British policy that ‘Hindu’ and Muslim are two races they can’t leave together and divided the ‘Hindustan’ with the so-called freedom on 14th Aug.1947, Pt. Nehru and Jinnah were the tool with Lord Mountbatten and Gandhi was defeated with violent communal riots all over India, which has converted the non0violence movement into a violent movement. It was the victory of the British Emperor on the Indian subcontinent with the conspiracy and diplomacy of Lord Mountbatten,

Indians became the mental slave of Britain with Lord Macaulay’s education policy. He has taught that the Vedas are religious scriptures of ‘Hindus’ and books of war and booty beyond interpretation.

It divided the Indians and the ‘Hindustan’ on 14th Aug. 1947 into two countries with opium of the religion we fool accepted the same to rule over the dead body of ‘Bharat Mata’ with divide and rule policy. It has divided the Indians into two communities and we are facing communal riots and the terrorist attack in Kashmir.

 Religion is blind superstitious faith, and culture is a reality through, which we have faced the long slavery of ‘Muslim’ and British. It has been sacrificed in the name of ‘Hindu’ with the opium of ‘Religion’ to tranquilize the masses. The Muslim invaders converted the Indians into ‘Islam’ with swords and throw them in poverty and illiteracy forever with ‘Quran’ in hand. The ‘Muslim’ rulers have done nothing for their welfare hence, the maximum Muslim population of the Indian subcontinent is still illiterate and poor.

They were willing to return but there was no code of conversion or reconversion in Indian culture. They were considered as one cast in the caste system of India.

The British have further cut off them from the Indians with the formation of the reserved constituency for the Muslims. They can fight elections from only the reserved constituency and bind them in a circle. Even today the Muslims are living in slums and in groups. It has cut off the ‘Muslims’ from the mainstream of India. The ‘Maulvi’ in the mosques are their teacher and guide who teach hate for ‘Hindu’ as ‘Kafir’ and prepare suicide bombers for ‘Jehad’  

The so-called freedom with mental slavery of the British has cut off the Indians from the Indian culture and ruined the country.

We have not given importance to our own culture in the name of ‘Hindu’ and suppressed it in all respect to rule over the country with divide and rule policy and facing the temple and ‘Mosque’ conflict in the name of superstition. In this sense, the Indians are enemies of their own culture with Lord Macaulay’s education policy that the Vedas are the books of war and booty, and religious scriptures of ‘Hindu’. Due to the long slavery, nobody was in a position to condemn it and our great freedom fighters accepted the unnatural bifurcation of India.

If we have brought forward our scientific Vedic culture in light, then the Babri Mosque’ may not be demolished and to justify the unnatural bifurcation, The Govt. may not bring the ‘Place of worship act 1991’ is to deny the Antiquity of India and to defame our own culture, just like to show that India is born on 15th Aug. 1947

The 1991 act is is a fraud to defend the Muslim Invaders and their superstition to justify their ‘Human holocaust’ and brutal destruction of Indian cultural monument temples, which preserve the Vedic scientific heritage of India above superstition.       

 It has divided the Indian subcontinent and the Indians, where Indians are killing Indians on the name of superstitious religion. We have forgotten ‘Sa Vidhya ya Vimuktye’ the education is that which liberates from the bondage of evils.

India has a long ancient history of Vedic civilization independent from the world as such the world came to know about India and Indian culture only after the raid of Alexander the Great in 326 B.C



India is the cradle of civilization, and man has arisen in India, the birthplace of races, Philosophy, and religions. Indeed a paradise on the earth is a place, where the human mind is most fully developed and solved the greatest problems of life, and declared the whole earth is one family. Now we are realizing with the advance of science quantum theory to the Higgs field and single unified force has now become easily assessable to consider the world as a singular nest – the biosphere. The Vedic contemporary expression ‘Global village’ needs to evaluate afresh.

India’s achievements have been engraved on the rocks and walls of the temples. The Muslim invaders burnt the literature and destroy the temples to destroy the Indian culture. They have converted the Indians into ‘Islam’ and replaced the temples with’ Mosque’, which was against the ‘Quran’ & ‘Islam’ as the prophet Muhammad has instructed that the ‘Allah’ God has sent prophets in other regions also to enlighten the people and should not be forced to accept ‘Islam’ The ‘Mosque’ for prayers should not be constructed on disputed land.

The Kailash Ellora, Kutub area Delhi and Kashi Vishvanath could not be destroyed fully and singing the Glory of India. GYANVAPI’ complex ‘VARANASI’ embodied the secret of creation with ‘Jyotirlinga’ and ‘SHRINGAR GAURI’ Goddess statue, where our Mother and Sister were performing SHRINGAR GAURI’ worship from time immemorial on 4th day of ‘’Chaitra Nav Ratri’ ‘Kushmanda’ to celebrate the 4th day of dark night‘ SHRINGAR GAURI’ means to decorate the creation and an egg-shaped cavity appeared from the cosmos, the precursor of the solar system in which the planets are moving in elliptical orbits. 

 Through this, the ‘Goddess of Dark Night’ ‘Sati’ immortal Phonon has activated the fundamental energy ‘MAHADEV’ in action in nine steps called nine-night and nine forms of ‘Goddess of the night’ and the Creation came into the existence with blast and light. It has been preserved at ‘GYANVAPI’ antiquity of India destroyed by the terrorist ‘Aurangzeb’

India is the only country where the ‘Goddess of Night’ invisible, immortal phonon is worshiped as ‘SHAKTI’ power Divine Mother as the seed-bearing mother of all. The phonon is first to appear in the pre-cosmic condition like the image of dormant fundamental energy, it has activated the fundamental energy in action, she stimulates the event to happen and the photon undergoes the synthesis and degradation with time. The immortal phonon has brought forward the infinite nature, which controls and beholds all existing.

‘Gyanvapi’ temple is ‘MAHADEV’ S, a dwelling place with ancient symbols to explore the Vedic Scientific Antiquity of India

The symbols excavated in the ‘GYANVAPI’ temple area in Varanasi have a great significance ‘JYOTIRLINGA’ was worshiped all over the world. At Mecca in Kaba, there was a polytheistic shrine with ‘JYOTIRLINGA’ now hidden.

‘JYOTIRLINGA’ radiant flame has been manifested first with blast and light and the creation came into the existence from the fundamental energy in action.

The Creation has evolved from fundamental energy, under the laws of thermodynamics. The components of the creation evolved from the fundamental energy and merge into the same with time.

I invoke the Agni- (fundamental energy) who is the priest, Deva (fundamental particles), sacrificer, and reciter of the S‚–—i, Yaj¤a, which is the treasure of jewels. ÿg. 1-1-1

I invoke fundamental energy, he is the priest as controller of the creation sacrifice-yaj¤a, he is the Deva-fundamental particles of the yaj¤a. He is a sacrificer, which means he adds fuel in the creation for yaj¤a-actions and interactions, he is the reciter- who chant the hymns during the yaj¤a, it means he is the source of actions in the creation and he is a treasure of jewels. It means the fundamental energy is the source of everything, which is going on and present in the creation.

Einstein’s equation E=Mc².The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force photon and phonon.

. ‘Har Har Mahadev & Allah Ho Akbar’ is one. 

 To establish in the world, we should search our roots in our glorious past in Indus Valley and Veda. In India, Kerala Governer Hon..Arif Mohammad Khan worship at Mahakal Ujjain, and Shri Narendra Modi pays homage to Darga Sharif at Ajmer, where is the difference. ‘Har Har Mahadev & Allah Ho Akbar’ is one. The ‘Jyotirlinga’ was worshiped all over the world once in history. At Kaba there was a ‘Jyotirlinga’ hidden in the curtain, the people move around it and touch ‘Sang an Asvad’ like ‘Nandi’ in the shiv temple. The pilgrimage wears a white cloth around them is like the tradition in India. Here the ‘Paigamber’ messenger of God prophet Muhammad Sahab declared ‘Allaha Ho Akbar’ ‘God is Great’ like ‘Eko Brahma Dwitiyonasti’.

The description of ‘Allaha’ ‘Brahma’ as described in the ‘Shwetashvataropnishad’ is the same.


 India is the cradle of civilization, and man has arisen in India, the birthplace of races, Philosophy, and religions. Indeed a paradise on the earth is a place, where the human mind is most fully developed and solved the greatest problems of life, and declared the whole earth is one family. Its testimony is at Jerusalem and Kaba, acknowledged by the Heliodorus by erecting ‘Sun Pillar’ at Basenagar Vidisha, M.P. 113 B.C.E.  Life is a trinity of three immortals, and the saints and prophets enlightened the ignorant Arabs and Europeans with Monotheism. The barbarian Arab and Europeans used it to spread their territories with war and booty. Great wars have been fought in the mid-century. To fight and kill the Muslim invaders, there were ‘knights of Jesus Christ’ in Europe.

In Sweden Span reconvert the Mosques into Church. Religion is a superstition and it’s an international problem. To form a unified civil code is a necessity to fight superstition although living in the most advanced era and can take help from the 2020 Report on International Religious Freedom: Ukraine—Crimea. And 2020 Report on International Religious Freedom: Sweden.

 Now we are realizing with the advance of science quantum theory to the Higgs field and single unified force has now become easily assessable to consider the world as a singular nest – the biosphere. The Vedic contemporary expression ‘Global village’ needs to evaluate afresh.

India’s achievements have been engraved on the rocks and walls of the temples. The Muslim invaders burnt the literature and destroy the temples to destroy the Indian culture. They have converted the Indians into ‘Islam’ and replaced the temples with’ Mosque’,

Place of worship act 1991 is a fraud to deny the antiquity of Indian culture, where ‘Hindu’ was never a Religion in India. It is the way of life and to follow the ethics in life is the ‘Dharma’ duty of an individual in life to evolve one’s own self from animal instincts to human instincts and towards higher divine instincts is the aim of life under the cycle of rebirth and death with spiritual freedom.

Veda is the first word of the civilized person on the earth. “What can be more tedious than the Veda, and yet what can be more interesting, if once we know that it is the first word spoken by the Aryan man?” These are the words of F. Max Muller, who has the credit to introduce Vedas in the world. The ‘Aryan’ means civilized person. Veda is the first word of the civilized person on the earth. “What can be more tedious than the Veda, and yet what can be more interesting, if once we know that it is the first word spoken by the Aryan man?” These are the words of F. Max Muller, who has the credit to introduce Vedas to the world. They have touched the zenith of the creation scientifically with physical development more advanced than modern Science. It was beyond the imagination of the European scholars.

Now it is unanimously accepted that the Vedas are the oldest literary monuments of the human civilization on the earth as such they represent the common heritage of mankind on the earth.

With the modern scientific development on the earth, Western scholars have a monopoly on world history, India was a slave for more than seven hundred years under the Mughal Muslim and British rule to deny the antiquity of India and to rule over India with divide and rule policy, they have brought forward the ‘Aryan Invasion Theory and divided Indians into ‘Hindu- Muslim, North Indian Aryan and south Indian Dravida’ to justify British rule that as Aryan came from outside of India, in the same fashion we came in India, 

the Sanskrit is more close to European Languages, hence we are brothers to influence ‘Brahmin’, The Muslim scholars follow the same to justify the Muslim invasion. like Usduddin Owaisi. 

 The British have turned with the great revolution of 1857 led by Mangal Pandey a ‘Brahmin’ together with Muslims. ‘Allaha Ho Akbar’ and ‘Har Har Mahadeva’ was one with ‘Vande Mataram’ I bow to the motherland.to take revenge of the year! 857 revolutions against British rule, which has shaken the British Emperor at the UK, they have divided converted and non-convert residents of ‘Hindustan into ‘Hindu and Muslim, which were living together peacefully under ‘Mughal’ rule.

With a conspiracy to check the progress and create unrest in the Indian subcontinent ‘Hindustan’, they have divided it into converted and non-convert ‘Hindu’ in the name of the so-called ‘Hindu Religion’ Because in the west the Religion is a political movement to spread its faith or territories with sword or Bullet and in East India, it is individual ‘Dharma’ duty with ethics for inner transformation of the self. In this sense, the west is the ‘ Wasteland’ and India is the most advanced. The ‘Hindu’’ was never a Religion like Christianity or Muslim. It has pushed ‘Hindustan’ into communal riots forever.

To rule over India Lord M Cauley brought a new education policy to cut off Indians from the Indian culture, European scholars taught that the Vedas are the religious scriptures of the Hindus and the Vedic hymns have been revealed in trance during meditation of the Seers, and beyond interpretation?  Nobody has dared to condemn it? Because due to the long slavery under Muslim, and British rule Indians were mental slaves. The Sanskrit scholars were unaware of the Science in the Veda, they have given the answer that the Vedas are the books of spiritualism and are interpreted the same as the revelation of God. Although God is without attribute and character, he is not involved in any action, but every act is due to him.  

DNA from Sun

The discovery of DNA by Watson and Crick in 1953 has brought a revolution in Biotechnology The scientists are involved in preparing Bio-weapons for chemical warfare. They are working in a retrogressive manner to destroy human civilization. DNA has much more to save humanity. The decipherment of the Indus Valley seals explores much more with its text in Vedas.

 DNA is a vessel of Life, the purine and pyrimidine base pair have come from the sun with the inbuilt mechanism of transcription and translation with three immortal and three stages of life. The immortal phonon voice follows from generation to generation with new life.

Life is a trinity of three immortal

Three immortal

Hear all the Gods my words, Sarasvati give ear together with Puramdhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14)

Speak forth the three words, the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produces nectar.

Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the infant (Rig. 7-101-1)

The Sarasvati thought words ensign of existence with the chemical energy of food, which generates thoughts in mind and vital energy ensign of life manifest with action, the germ of plants and infants as well.

The three immortal; the resonant vibration of words precede light, they together produced the nectar, which milk this udder with cell body, the ensign of existence. With this, the fundamental energy Soma, manifested like Bull, and Bull bellowed engendering germ of plants, the infant also. The speed of the resonant waves is more than the light, which stimulates the action.

1.      The immortal underlying space of sky imparted mass to elementary particles with resonant vibration, the ensign of the existence of all.

2.      The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feed the living-beings

3.      The immortal DNA with resonant words is the light of life for all.

Life on the earth is a trinity of three immortal. To evolve one’s self from animal instincts to human instincts and higher divine instincts is the aim of life under the cycle of rebirth and death.

The thought and words of an individual are immortal, they follow mankind with immortal DNA from generation to generation with new life to face the consequences of his deeds in life. It has been described as Rebirth or reincarnation in the Religious scriptures.

The atmospheric ocean is a treasure house of immortal phonon thought words and beholds life consciousness. The hair knot on the head in the Indian culture denotes the same.

Einstein’s Unification Theory

Einstein was motivated. The intellect seeking after an integrated theory cannot rest content with the assumption that there exist two distinct fields independent of each other by their nature,” Einstein said in his Nobel lecture in 1923.

The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon, it has been termed both the father and their son metaphorically.

Both their father is also their son; both the chief is also the meanest (Kani–—ha) of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb Ath. 10-8-28

The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon. They together have been termed as both the father and their son metaphorically. of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb. . Out of these two, one Phonon has entered in the mind first and stimulates the language of DNA in the womb, the phonon is earliest, it has activated the Dark matter in pre=cosmic condition.

Vedic Science is in the metaphors and riddles with symbolism. They have used anthropomorphism to denote phenomena at the molecular level. The Vedic hymns have their beginning, with the discovery of a single unified force and dualistic force of fundamental energy Photon and Phonon.

By their power these Twain in close succession move;

They go as playing children around the sacrifice.

The electromagnetic rays travel with vibrations and sound in close succession with actions and interactions.

‘‘One of the pair beholdeth all existing things; the other ordereth seasons and is born again’’ Rg.10- LXXXV-18b.

 One holds all existing things is immortal phonon,, and other photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time and is born again.

The Phonon is the earliest. It has activated the dark matter with resonance. The phonon and photon manifested with blast and light as a dualistic complementary force of vital energy. The phonon stimulates the event to happen and the photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s equation E=Mc².

The immortal phonon follows The Ashvins nucleotide pair from generation to generation with new life.

‘‘One of the pair beholds all existing things; the other order seasons and is born again’’ Rg.10- LXXXV-18b.

The immortal phonon with immortal DNA brought forward the infinite nature in function. Whatever is and whatever will be nature only.

The creation and life is the trinity of three immortal they are present in the atom, molecule, matter, and the cell body. It has been preserved and engraved on the rocks and walls of the temples.

 Can Muslims deny ‘Jyotirlinga’ at Kaba?

The Indian converted Muslims are deceiving themselves at Mecca there was a polytheistic shrine with ‘Jyotirlinga’ a great pilgrimage center.

I invoke the Agni- (fundamental energy) who is the priest, Deva (fundamental particles), sacrificer, and reciter of the S‚–—i, Yaj¤a, which is the treasure of jewels. ÿg. 1-1-1

I invoke fundamental energy, he is the priest as controller of the creation sacrifice-yaj¤a, and he is the Deva-fundamental particles of the yaj¤a. He is a sacrificer, which means he adds fuel in the creation for yaj¤a-actions and interactions, he is the reciter- who chants the hymns during the yaj¤a, it means he is the source of actions in the creation and he is a treasure of jewels. It means the fundamental energy is the source of everything, which is going on and present in the creation.

‘Har Har Mahadev’ and ‘Allah Ho Akbar, ‘ God is great. At Kaba, there is a ‘Jyotirlinga’ hidden in the curtain. The ‘Namaz’ prayer is a yogic posture and meditating on ‘Jyotirlinga’ with an eye on ‘Kaba’ 


The creation is the manifestation of the phonon Nature and the vital fundamental energy, both are immortal and infinite. The immortal phonon activated the dormant fundamental energy in action with blast and light.

Heaven is your Sire, your Mother Earth, Soma magnetic energy your Brother, Aditi Nature your Sister; seeing all, unseen, keep still and dwell ye happily Rig-Veda 1-191-6

The Creation has evolved from the fundamental energy, under the laws of thermodynamics. Einstein’s equation E=Mc².

Where, the sky is the father. Earth is the mother, Soma magnetic Energy is Brother, Aditi Nature is Sister; seeing all and unseen at their place live happily. Life on the earth is one family, all the components of nature are interconnected with each other, hence harmony and welfare of all is the key for sustainable development. Global warming and climate change are a threat to life on the earth.

ALLAHA’ ‘MAHADEV’ has created the nature and entered into it to regulate the creation.

The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon. The phonon is immortal and the photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time. They follow each other with the evolution of creation and life. The immortal phonon has created the Aditi Nature and held up all existing and living.

Aditi is heaven, Aditi is mid-air, Aditi is the mother of the Sire and son. 

Aditi is all Gods, Aditi five classed men, Aditi all that has been and shall be born ÿg.1-89-10    

The fundamental particles constitute the Aditi-micro nature and from the micro nature with the evolution of the solar system, the Aditi- infinite nature came into the existence with its full functions. The Aditi-nature is complete in itself and self-regulated. The living beings have been expressed as Pa¤cjana-the association of five grosselements. It has been expressed that in this world what is and what is to be is nature only.

During ‘Namaz’ they touch the earth with their forehead ‘I bow to Motherland’ ‘Bharat Mata’ ‘VANDE MATARAM’ 

During ‘Namaz’ insert the fingers in the Ear. The ear is related to the voice and holy thoughts the immortal phonon ‘Sarasvati may give holy thoughts with food metabolism. 

Hear all the Gods my words, Sarasvati give ear together with Puramdhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14)

Prophet has said in Quran’ that those who will do good work with ethics, will be rewarded as ‘Khalifa’ in their next birth. To follow the ethics in life is the duty of an individual in life, nobody will be able to share the sins. To kill a human is a great sin. 

You will be raised again like the plants in the rainy season at the time of Qiyamat.

 Qiyamat is the moment when the individual will take rebirth to face the consequences of his deeds in life.

Prophet Muhammad said that the messenger of God has been sent into other regions also, and they should be not forced to accept the ‘Islam’. It means that ‘Islam was for Arab countries. 

The ‘Mosque’ should not be constructed on the disputed land. 

‘JEHAD’ is to fight against the self lust for power and comfort, which are obstacles in the way of ‘Allah’ God. 

The ignorant converted Muslim says we do not accept these things. 

Just to prove that they are descendants of brutal invaders ignorant of the aim of life on the earth. To evolve one’s own self from animal instincts to human instincts and towards higher divine instincts is the aim of life, under the cycle of rebirth and death. 

The invaders have cut off the converted Indian Muslims from the Indian culture with swords, The ‘Hindu is a resident of ‘Hindustan’ It was never a Religion of India. Hence, no code of conversion or fear of reconversion in India. 

The code of conduct and laws are as per the space, time, and the environmental social conditions 

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