Vedic Ramayan embodies the oldest history of the human civilization

–Dr CP Trivedi
Rigveda is the oldest literary monument of human civilization on the earth, and the first word of a civilized person on earth. Aryan, means the well-cultured civilized person on earth. UNESCO has included the Rig Veda in the world heritage list. Vedic Sanskrit is a monumental language with Vedic Sanskrit Lexicography, where each word, sentence, or hymn has a symbol with the vast ocean of knowledge in the background with its text in Veda.
Vedic Ramayan
Introduction The Glory of immortal phonon wavelength, which controls and beholds all existence
Vedic Ramayan embodies the oldest history of the human civilization on the earth, first written by sage Valmik in Sanskrit, The personification of the natural deities in human form with different names with the fancy of the narrator has given it a different turn with mythology, and we have many versions of Ramayan in different languages, the Ramayan written in Devanagari Hindi by Shri Tulsidas is the most popular. The Valmik Ramayan is the most ancient and embodies the evolution of the creation with Sat Yuga when nothing was there,
Valmiki inquired Naarada – ‘who engaged deeply in austerity and study of Vedas, best among the eloquent and eminent among sages’ (as follows:). [1-1-1]
Sri Rama lived in Treta Yug, millennia BC
Valmiki composed twenty-four thousand verses and taught them to Lava and Kusha, the sons of Rama and Seetha. Rama paid his attention to listen to the ‘Legend of Seetha’ Valmiki calls Ramayana.
On seeing that pair of intellectuals who are proficient in Veda-s the self-reliant sage Valmiki made those two to memorize the epic, as the epic Ramayana is composed only to reinforce the import of Veda-s, as an ancillary. [1-4-6]
‘Ramayana’, ‘Sublime Legend of Seetha’, and ‘elimination of Ravana’ demon obstacles. [1-4-7]
The name Rāmāyaṇa is composed of two words, Rāma and ayaṇa. Rāma, the name of the central figure of the epic, has two contextual meanings. In the Atharvaveda, it means ‘dark, dark-colored, black’ and is related to the word rātri which means ‘darkness or stillness of night’ Thus, Rāmāyaṇa means “Rama’s progress”, and the evolution of phonon wave vibrations into thought and words from Sat Krita Yuga to Treta and Dwapar Yuga modern Era is Kali Yuga Dark Age with no ethics.
Seetha decides to go back to the Earth from where she emerged. She says that “If I am pure, this earth will open and swallow me whole.” At that very moment, the earth opens up and swallows Sitha
It is a symbolic expression that the shock waves appeared first in the pre-cosmic dark mountain like the unborn’s image and activated the dark fundamental energy with vibrations and sound, and the dormant fundamental energy exploded with blast and light In action. From here the journey of Ram’s fundamental energy and immortal phonon begins to evolve with the evolution of creation and life.
Where the fundamental energy appears in the cell body and disappears with death, and the immortal phonon vibration wave evolved into thought and words to sing the glory of life, and behold all existence. The dark inactive fundamental energy and the shock waves separated wiith blast and light. It has been described as that Ram expelled Sitha to a forest, and Sitha gave birth to Lava and Kusha,
Valmik Ramayan written Melania BC in Sanskrit by sage Valmik is a legendary epic Ramayan journey of Ram’s fundamental energy in the ocean of life, the Ayan means dark Night, Krita Yug when nothing was there only deep darkness. The dark night appears as shock waves appear before the earthquake, Janak, a father finds a place in the cosmos with the appearance of the shock wave, and the creator, father, when plowing the field for the creation got a girl vibrating wave in the ripper, later on, named Seetha, and gave it to Ram dormant fundamental energy to form a tie.
When Sarama had found the mountain’s fissure, that vast and ancient place she plundered thoroughly (Rig. 3-31-6)
Brahmamanspi father of the creation forged it like a smith with vibration waves, and from where there was nothing in existence the vibratory electrons come into the existence with fundamental energy in action with blast and light. The mighty man Brahmanspati dressed the spotted bullock under fire for Ram, fundamental energy in action, and unborn Seerha vibration wave. Both are unborn, eternal, and connected with equal and opposite wavelengths. The fundamental energy is magnetic and phonon wave antimagnetic without charge.
These Brahmanaspati produced with blast and smelting, like a smith,
Existence in an earlier age of Gods, from Non-existence, sprang. Rig. 10-72- 2
With a blast in the pre-cosmic condition and activation of Ram fundamental energy in action, the shock waves and fundamental energy get separated to travel on the path of evolution of the creation with the cosmic condition.
I tarried many a year within the altar: I leave the Father, for my choice is Indra (Rig. 10-124-4)
It has been described as Ram leaving Seetha in the forest, where she gave birth to Lava and Kusha as her calf.
The Lava and Kusha with blast and light., the photon and phonon run in a parallel way like two streams just like two parallel rivers opposite struggling for contending reins.
The electromagnetic rays of light travel with vibrations and the photon and phonon run in a parallel straightway as complementary to each other.
Like two bright mother cows who lick their youngling, Vipasha„ and ShuutudrÏ speed down their waters. Impelled by Indra whom ye pray to urge you, ye move as ‘were on chariot the ocean (Rig. 3-33-1,2)
The light and sound feed the creation, just like two mothers supported by the Indra, (electricity), just like water. The light and sound are complementary and follow each other, just like two mares with loosened reins.

Dancers and Higgs field Space
When ye, O Gods, in yonder deep close clasping one another stood; Thence, as of dancers, from your feet, a thickening cloud of dust arose Rig. 10-72-6
The electromagnetic waves of light travel with vibration and sound together, just like dancers. The elementary particles adhered to space, the sound of vibration, touch, press the mark and rebound. The colliding protons, decaying into hadron jets and electrons, converted them into electric vibrations to join them in series with phonic compression electromagnetic force. The presser compression with touch and go change the wavelength with the configuration of electrons moving around the nucleus with phonic atomic effect, and impart mass to elementary particles. with asteroids and planets.
The photon and phonon are two complementary independent forces of vital energy. They interact at the molecular level with the configuration of electron and half-spin change in complementary wavelength. The photon smallest unit of light and phonon smallest unit of vibration wave sound maintained their continuity in the atom, molecule, matter, and the live cell body, the phonon vibration wave evolved into the thought and words with the evolution of life, the Lava and Kusha photon and phonon singing the glory of immortal phonon Seetha with melodious song of life as the celestial race, and reached to Adhvamegh Yajna of Ram fundamental energy.
Ashvamegha Yajna
The journey of life consciousness on the earth is to win the race of life like Hero Ram with the charger, where life’s driving force fundamental energy appears in the cell body with birth and disappears with aging and death of the cell body.
It has been described as Ashvamegha yajna; Horse Sacrifice to explain the ‘Journey of Hero with life with oblation in the creation sacrifice ‘Srishti Yajna’. The horse sacrifice is a metaphor to express the journey of the cell body with the appearance of life consciousness in the cell body. Accordingly, the live cell body moves towards its oblation in nature with actions and interactions till death.
The Journey of Ram fundamental Energy, Immortal phonon, and immortal Electrons
Yuga Era (Sanskrit: युग) means “a yoke” (joining of two things), “generations”, or “a period of time” Era such as age, namely Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga Dwapar Yuga, and the Kali Yuga.
Krita Satya Yuga, signifies the era of the beginning of the creation, all was pure no duality.
Treta Yuga, the evolution of the human species with three immortal and self-consciousness. Lord Ram represents immortal fundamental energy, ‘Sita’ Sarasvati, immortal phonon wave, and Laxman immortal Electron. With the trinity of the three immortal, the civilization evolved with the monkey brigade first, and from the monkey, the human species evolved with the conflict between the devils and demons as ‘SUR AND ASUR’
Dwapar Yuga, the duality increased with the selfishness created conflict in the society. Lord Krishna as supreme fundamental energy enlightened to fight for right.
Kali Yuga Black Era, no ethics, no God, no Duty in life, ignorant of the aim of life on the earth.
It is a symbolic representation of the history of the creation and evolution of civilization on earth.
The history begins with the trinity of three immortals known as Treta Yuga with Ram’s Immortal space The Higgs field is the ensign of existence, Laxman Immortal Electron, and Seetha Immortal vibration wave.
‘Trayi Vidhya’ knowledge of three Rig, Yaju Sama’
Rig-Veda,-Space immortal space From Darkness to Light;
TAM SOMA JYOTIRGMAY, The appearance of immortal space with light has vanished the darkness
Yajurveda, Fast moving immortal Electrons From Non-Existent to Existent;
Samaveda, Immortal phonon wave From Death to Immortality
Life, the trinity of three immortal
Hear all the Gods my words, Sarasvati gives ear together with Puramdhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14)
Speak forth the three words, the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produces nectar.
Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the infant (Rig. 7-101-1)
The germ of the world ensign of all creation springs to life and filled the earth and heavens. Even the firm rocks he cleft when passing over when the five tribes brought a sacrifice to Agni (ÿg. 10-45-6)
The Sarasvati thought words ensign existence with the chemical energy of food, which generates thoughts in the mind, and vital energy ensigns of life manifest with action, the germ of plants and infants as well.
The three immortal; the resonant vibration of words precede light, they together produced the nectar, which milk this udder with cell body, the ensign of existence. With this, the fundamental energy Soma, manifested like Bull, and Bull bellowed engendering germ of plants, the infant also. The speed of the resonant waves is more than the light, which stimulates the action.
- The immortal underlying space of sky imparted mass to elementary particles with resonant vibration, the ensign of the existence of all.
- The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feeds the living-beings
- The immortal DNA with resonant words is the light of life for all. DNA has the inbuilt mechanism of transcription and translation with time, with three stages of life with three immortal. The ‘’ fundamental energy appears with birth and disappears with death.
King Janaka Videha means without existence is the creator’s unborn fundamental energy, when preparing the field for the creation with actions and interactions a rift appear in the pre-cosmic inactive dark-mountain land and the phonon wave appeared first as the unborn’s image with equal and opposite character as Seetha child of dark Mountain, Janak Father gave her to Ram fundamental energy with marriage, as Ram broke the bow arrow of ‘Shiva’ in trance, and the fundamental energy tie with equal and opposite wavelength in action.
In the pre-cosmic condition, nothing was there only deep darkness. The dormant fundamental energy came into action with blast and light with electron configuration. The generation of the immortal electrons is the manifestation of the vital fundamental energy in existence with immortal equal and opposite wavelength of electrons, which act with electron configuration and half spin change in the opposite wavelength, and the photon undergoes the synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s Equation E=Mc², with this the creation came into the existence.
The immortal DNA with resonant words is the light of life for all. DNA has the inbuilt mechanism of transcription and translation with time, with three stages of life with three immortal. The ‘’ fundamental energy appears with birth and disappears with death.
with movement in the opposite direction with vibrations.
The shock waves appeared like unborn images. With equal and opposite forces and tarried for many years. It has been described as the ‘Tapasya’ labor of ‘Sati’ for ‘Shiva’ to awaken him from trance in an anthropomorphic manner.
Shiva in trance and ‘Sati’
The Shiva in trance is the personification of calm and quiet deep darkness in a pre-cosmic atmosphere, and ‘Sati’ is the personification of companion shock waves hidden in darkness within. Bala Kanda
Bal Kand
The journey in childhood stories of Ram’s fundamental energy with three brothers Dasharatha was the King of Ayodhya. He had three wives: Kaushalya, Kaikeyi, and Sumitra. He did not have a son and in the desire to have a legal heir performs a fire sacrifice known as Putra-kameshti Yajna.with actions and interactions in creation sacrifice. As a consequence, Rama was first born to Kaushalya, Bharata was born to Kaikeyi, and Lakshmana and Shatrughna were born to Sumitra.
Kushdhwaja was, Janak’s brother and had two daughters Mandavi and Shrutakirti, Rama married Sita, Bharata married Mandavi, Lakshmana married Urmila and Shatrughna married Shrutakirti. It is the symbolic union of four components of atoms with respective equal and opposite wavelengths.
Ayodhya Kanda
Ram gets ordered to go to the forest for the churning of the to get eternal life. The journey of Ram’s immortal fundamental energy, with the immortal phonon wave and immortal electrons, begins for churning the ocean to get immortality in the ocean of life with an assembly of three, the obstacles during the churning of the ocean are demons. Ram was educated by sage Vishvamitra, and Vashisth, and bestowed with supernatural power by awakening vital energy as weapons in the laboratory ‘Yajna Shala’ of Vishvamitra, with which he killed Tarka Demon and Khar demons.
Aranya Kand
During their journey to the forest, after thirteen years of the journey prepare cottage in ‘Chitrakut’ means the assembly of subatomic particles in progress, for the self-sufficient cell body, requires a Red wavelength of light, and Seetha is seen as golden and demanded it for photosynthesis to be sun skinned. The demon Ravana created an obstacle to taking revenge on Shurpankha his sister demon and kidnap Seetha to become sun skinned during the churning of the ocean, Ravana was bestowed by Lord Shiva with vital power, and most powerful king of golden Lanka, the developing cell body without sun skinned energy, Ravana was working with ten rays known as ‘Dashanan’ with ten heads.
Kishkindha Kanda
During the search for Seetha, they met ape king Sugriva with Hanuman with young vital energy to be manifested, Ram make them friends and bestowed Hanuman with active vital power.
Sundara Kanda
Hanuman with yogic vital power to get the miraculous power to become small or big with the capacity to cross the sea by flying in the air and crossed the barriers, Hanuma young Life fundamental energy face challenges like facing a Gandharva Kanya who comes in the form of a demon Gandharva is vibrating protoplasm in the developing cell.
After entering Lanka, he finds a demon, Lankini, who protects all of Lanka, the cell membrane, and Hanuman searched
the Seetha in Ashoka Vatica at golden Lanka and burns the Lanka with his burning tail.
Hanuman given the information of Seetha in Lanka, the churning of the ocean is to acquire eternal life with the appearance of vital energy in the developing cell body, it is described as a battle between devils and demon ‘Sur aur Asur’ To prepare bridge is to connect developing cell body for vital energy, to appear first, For this Ram establish ‘Jyotirlinga’ at Rameshwaram as a symbol of time to connect with Lanka by Ram Setu Bridge, The Null and Neel were architect-engineer. Ram killed the demon obstacles, and win the battle, returned with Seetha by air means with the developing cell body ‘Pushpak Vimana
Uttar Kand
Uttar Kand is added in the other versions, with the fire examination of Seetha, the source of life in the cell body proved to be pure, symbolically seethe phonon wave said, if am pure, the land swallow me, and suddenly a rift appears and swallowed seethe, the phonon wave appears in the ripper in pre-cosmic condition and merge into the same.
Ram performed an Ashvamegha Yajna to acquire eternal life with a golden statue of Seetha, his warriors were defeated by Lava and Kusha, Phonon and photon with resonant vibrations singing the glory of immortal phonon wave Seetha, hearing the melodious song of Lava Kusha, Ram accepted them as their son and ruled and ruled for many years, after the journey to the universe ‘Vaikunth’ Laxman find Seetha as sun skinned Laxmi. It is a symbolic expression for photosynthesis the source of all wealth on earth, the immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis is the source of eternal life with food metabolism and food chains and food webs in nature. The immortal phonon wave brought forward the infinite nature with her Eight sons, seven immortal syllables of voice, and eight immortal Tvashta DNA, they follow each other from generation to generation with new life.
Jyotirlinga at Rameshwaram Janaka Creator Father
Twelve are the fellies and the wheel is single;
Twelve are the fellies and the wheel is single; Twelve ‘Jyotirlinga’ and Time
The ‘Jyotirlinga’ radiant flame embodies the secret of the creation. The radiant flame appeared with the cosmology Big Bang as the first symbol of the fundamental energy in action. All the components of the creation were synthesized from it with the energy transformation and merged into the same with time.
It has been indicated here that all the phenomena on the earth are going on under the wheel of the year. It has twelve months, and three hundred and sixty days with three centers, Sky, Atmosphere, and the earth. It indicates the yearly cycle of the months and seasons. Under the wheel of the year, nature exhibits its functions.
The radiant flame ‘Jyoti’ appeared on is own with cosmology, the ‘Jyotirling’ is known as ‘SWAYAM BHU’ self-originated.
He drives the sun and planets like a car wheel.
Sa Suryah paryuru varansyendro va vratyadrathyeva chakra Rig.10-89-2 A
Surya is he; throughout the wide expenses shall Indra turn him, swift as car wheel, hither.
He drives the sun and others like the wheel of the Rath car.

The great Event Time ‘Kal’ ‘MAHAKAL Ujjain is the center of calculation of Time with an ancient observatory, the ‘Jyotirlinga’ is placed from where the Cancer meridian line passes at 23.5 degrees latitude.
Twelve ‘Jyotirlinga’
The flow of the photon and phonon has been halted with the formation of the atom, and the underlying space Higgs field granted mass to the elementary particles with the formation of asteroids and planets. It has brought forward the sun in action as a source of light and energy with a strong magnetic field. The rotation of the sun at its axis has given the concept of time as great event MAHAKAL’ Jyotirlinga at Ujjain, as one wheel chariot and the twelve ‘Jyotirlinga’ in India represents Twelve fellies Twelve ‘Aditya’ twelve faces of the sun with 360 days cycle of one ‘Samvatsar Kal’ under which the creation is working as a system under the cycle of six seasons.
A childless Father Got Grandson from his daughter

The thought of order
Wise, teaching, following the thought of Order, the sonless gained a grandson from his daughter. Fain as a sire, to see his child prolific he sped to meet her with an eager spirit.
After the discovery of DNA, they searched the vital energy through awakening serpent power.
The Vedic name of DNA is Tvashtar the Lord of all created beings and shaper of all creatures. The mighty Man fundamental energy dressed the spotted bullock Tvashta as the vehicle of life. The nucleotide pair of DNA purine and the pyrimidine base saranyu and Sanjana are like his daughter.
The complementary phonon wavelength activated the nucleotide pair Sanjana and Saranyu with the origin of life 4.6 Billion years ago, with the spark of first life, the nucleotide pair Saranya and Sanjana synthesizes the synonym bases in the air with the complementary phonon wavelength Vivasvat is like the grandson of Tvashta. The immortal phonon follows the immortal Vivasvat DNA from generation to generation with new life and spread in all directions with life.
Fain as a sire, to see his child prolific he sped to meet her with an eager spirit.
The lord with pleasure to see his child prolific sped to meet her with an eager spirit. The cellular body is the vehicle of life and to meet the seed-bearing mother spirit is the aim of serpent power awakening. To follow life principles with ethics is the foremost requirement on the way of serpent power awakening.
The Son left not his portion to the brother; he made a home to hold him who should gain it.
The mental genetic code activated in the womb of the mother with the complementary voice phonon wavelength is the identity of an individual in life as a home to cross the journey of life. Even the time twins have different genetic identities and fates in life as a son of Tvashta DNA it left no portion to the brother.
What time his Parents gave the Priest his being, of the good pair one acted one promoted Rig-Veda 3-31-2
The parents give their child to the priest with the thread ceremony. The three knots in the thread denote that life is a trinity of three immortals. The pupils made their home and learn different aspects of life with service. to travel beyond space and time, Hanuman used this power.
Agni was born trembling with a tongue that flickered so that the Red’s great children should be honored. The chemical energy of photosynthesis with food metabolism is the source of life.
The Valmiki Ramayan is written to preserve Vedas for mankind with a contemporary king of Ayodhya Ram as a Model, His education in childhood under the sage Vishvamitra and Vashishtha bestow him with awakening serpent power, and the preparation of Apes and Monkey brigade with the Biotechnology in the Laboratory Yajna Shala’ of Vishvamitra, which require no food or dress code and defeated the contemporary powerful demon Ravana with all abilities Sage Valmiki with Narad Scholar of Veda establish Ram fundamental energy and Veda, Ram ruled successfully, hence Ram is model in the Vedic Ramayan.