UCC 23 in India World is One Family

-Dr.Chandra P Trivedi
After the Independence of India in 1947, the Law Commission of India has taken into consideration a big issue of the ‘Uniform Civil Code’ It is the most controversial issue with the interest Vote Bank policy, where Hindu was never a Religion of India, and the converted have no right to a separate state. partition of India in the name of superstitious blind faith was a fraud like the Watergate scandal to rule over the country with a divide-and-rule policy inherited from Britain. Only the Law Commission of India under the Honourable Supreme Court can establish the antiquity of India. UCC is the only path to trace its root in the past.
Veda is the first word of a civilized person on earth and the oldest literary monument of human civilization on earth. Where there is no ‘Hindu’ or ‘Hindu Religion’ in any ancient text. Supreme court in a writ petition said that ‘Hindu, Hinduism, and Hindutva is a way of life can’t be taken in a narrow range of Religion
Hindu is not a Religion
India is secular from time immemorial. The invaders cut off the converted Indian Muslims from the Indian culture with swords and termed India Bharat as ‘Hindustan’. The resident of ‘Hindustan’ is ‘Hindu’ It was never a Religion of India. India has no code of conversion or fear of reconversion.
The invaders and British used ‘Hindu’ to differentiate between the converted and non-converted Indians.
The British coined the term ‘Hindu Religion’ which was never a Religion of India for their divide-and-rule policy, to differentiate between the converted and non-converted Indians. To create a superstitious rift, constituted a separate constituency for ‘Muslims’ in the parliamentary democracy under British rule with this the ‘Holy nation become unholy’ in the name of God.
The Emperor Chandragupta II dynasty ruled over the Indian subcontinent with peace and prosperity in all fields, invaders ruined it after 113 BCE, and Adi Shankaracharya in the 7th and 8th centuries bound India in one cultural unit with four pilgrimage centers and four Peeth Math with an army of ascetics to protect antiquity of India. British bound it into again Indian subcontinent as one political unit.
The Indian subcontinent was divided into many states after the Gupta reign were unable to defend the country from the Muslim invaders.
The Muslim invaders called the land of the Indus River ‘Hindustan’ resident of Hindustan was Hindu, The invaders imposed their faith in one God with the conversion of Indians into their faith with the sword in hand called converted Hindu Muslims, and non-converted Hindus. The converted Hindu Muslim and non-converted Indians were living together during Mughal rule till 1857, they fought together the great revolution against the British and shook the British Emperor in London UK.
The script of Partition was written with the great revolution of 1857 to divide Indians. British coined the term Hindu Religion to differentiate between the converted and non-converted Indians for divide and rule policy with partial democracy. British supported the formation of the Muslim League in 1906, and later on supported the ‘Hindu Maha Sabha’
Lord Macaulay taught that the Vedas are the Religious scriptures of Hinduism, European scholars brought forward the ‘Aryan Invasion Theory and cut off the Indians from Indian culture with hate for their own heritage.
Pt. Nehru and Jinnah were educated in London, they were fully ignorant of Indian culture compromised and accepted the gift from Lord Mountbatten to rule over the dead body of ‘Hindustan’ with a divide-and-rule policy.
The Partition was a conspiracy and fraud against India to rule over the dead body of Hindustan with a divide-and-rule policy, hence population exchange was not there. We are mental slaves of Britain and turned pure democracy into a RULE OF FOOLS BY THE FOOLS, FOR THE FOOLS WITH THE TRANQUILITY OF RELIGIOUS OPIUM’
No religion ruled over the Indian subcontinent even the Muslim ruler Mughal did not declare India a Muslim state.
The lust for power to rule over India with divide and rule policy accepted partition on the name so-called ‘Hindu Religion
No religion ruled over the Indian subcontinent, even the Muslim ruler Mughal did not declare India a Muslim state, but the lust for power to rule over India
The condition is worse. Churchill said in the British parliament that freedom should not be given to immature India. India will be full of corruption and scandal with freedom. We have proved it with corruption and scandals in all fields. No political party is away from it.
The constitution of India was prepared by the British for the slave India in 1935 with a provision in the constitution to spread the Religion by Muslims and Christians as a constitutional right, where ‘Hindu’ was not a Religion and left Indians free to accept Islam or Christianity. We accepted the same constitution in 1952.with secularism, which was used to challenge the Religious authority of the Church during the French Revolution,
India accepted it to deny ‘Hindu’ and to defend Muslims and Christians to spread their Religion with conversion as a constitutional right and left the so-called ‘Hindus’ to accept either Islam or Christianity.
The freedom in 1947 with the bifurcation of India was a Himalayan blunder, it has pushed the Indian subcontinent into a dark tunnel of religious fundamentalism with poverty and illiteracy on the name of the so-called ‘Hindu Religion’ We were slaves for about seven hundred years and will remain for a few years more, but to accept the British conspiracy was a curse. In spite of this, we must be thankful for British rule that they have united the Indian subcontinent in one unit and awakened us from slavery towards freedom to achieve our glorious past.
The Bharat was divided in the race of power scandals like the ‘water get scandal’ to rule over the country with divide and rule policy in 1947, the un naturally bogus partition in the name of Hindu has pushed India as fertile land to rule over India on the name of Religion, and the so-called Hindu is on target all over the world to increase their demography, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Kashmir are target with the human holocaust.
India was the paradise on earth, but now India is a mental slave to Britain for everything requires a certificate from Britain. for the Indian mental slaves, ‘Black Buffalo and Black word are same’ It is due to the long slavery of the Mughal, and British rulers, who brought forward the ‘Ayyan invasion Theory’ to deny the antiquity of India Veda means knowledge, ‘Aryan means, well cultured civilized person, and Veda is the first word of the civilized person on earth Rig-Veda is the book of science embodies the origin and the evolution of the creation and life. Creation and life is the trinity of the three immortals termed as ‘Triyee Vidhya’ Rig-Yaju-Same
Rig- means Sky, space indestructible supreme resign of existence modern Higgs field.
Yaju – means fast-moving electron, which stimulates the event with the transfer of Electrons, and the photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time, and the creation came into the existence
Sama- means resonant electromagnetic rays of light, which travel with vibration, and sound, the phonon vibration wave is immortal, and the earliest activated dark matter in pre-cosmic condition with fundamental energy ‘Soma’ in action with blasts and light, the photon and phonon are two equal and opposite forces of nature run parallel in a straight way, their flow has been halted with the Higgs field, underlying space imparted mass to the elementary particles with Asteroids and planets.
There is no war or history in the Vedas, The ‘Soma’ is the magnetism in the cosmos, the Indra is Electricity with charge as weapons, The ‘Sarasvati’ is not a terrestrial river, The immortal phonon Vac Voice is flowing in the countless channel with life, Sarasvati voice inspire with the thoughts in mind with the wisdom, is the source of the infinite nature, working everywhere’
The Creation has evolved from fundamental energy, under the laws of thermodynamics. Einstein’s equation E=Mc².
Einstein was motivated by an intellectual need to unify the forces of nature. He felt very strongly that all of nature must be described by a single theory. The intellect seeking an integrated theory cannot rest content with the assumption that there exist two distinct fields independent of each other by their nature, Einstein said in his Nobel lecture in 1923.
The Phonon is immortal and earliest has activated the dark matter with resonance. The phonon and photon manifested with blast and light as a dualistic complementary force of vital energy. The phonon stimulates the event to happen and the photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s equation E=Mc².
Islam and Christianity are political movements to spread their territories with war and booty. Great wars have been fought in Arab and Europe in the mid-century with war and booty, In Europe, there were ‘Knights of Jesus Christ to kill Arab invaders. Islam and Christianity are political movements and to increase the population conversion is a tool to rule over the country with the Religious demography. It is cancer in Parliamentary democracy. ‘Hindu’ was never a religion of India, and Islam and Christianity are political movements and the conversion is against the constitution and not a constitutional right.
Looking at the cultural diversity and caste-based society in India, we must have adopted the Presidential system of Democracy instead of Parliamentary democracy a fertile land for corruption. In the present circumstances, the uniform civil code and conversion are political tools for opposition leaders.
it was brutal politics to push the Indian subcontinent into the dark tunnel of superstition in the name of god and religion. Otherwise, Hinduism was not a religion, and converted had no right to a separate state.
It has opened further doors for the bifurcation of India on the name and number of followers. Any other country in the world can tolerate its bifurcation on the basis of religious population? Can America or England share their land with the Muslim population, if not? Why India is forced to do so and Pakistan’s demand for Kashmir on the basis of the Muslim population against the established law, although the ruler of Kashmir Hari Singh has given consent to merge with India? India is the cradle of civilization, the birthplace of religion, God, and philosophy in the world.
It is above superstition. Harmony with nature with cooperative coexistence is in the blood of Indians, how one can expect exploitation in the name of any superstition? The world has to learn from India to establish harmony with nature, otherwise, global warming with the depletion of the ozone layer has threatened the existence of life on the earth. A similar catastrophe 18000 years has ruined the earth Max Planck Society report German News Sept. 89, page 25.
Pakistan must compromise to leave Kashmir for India as head of India and peace in the region. In the world converted had no right to separate states and Moughal were foreigners to India, they were having no right to conquer India, it was only due to this that India was divided in many states without a central rule as one political unit. In this reference, India is the cradle of civilization as acknowledged by Heliodorus Inscription on the board by ASI on the base of the pillar
The first inscription of the Heliodorus pillar that was made by Heliodorus 113 BCE was erected here by the devotee Heliodoros, the son of Dion, a man of Taxila, sent by the Great Greek (Yona) King Antialkidas, as ambassador to King Kasiputra Bhagabhadra, the Savior son of the princess from Benares, in the fourteenth year of his reign.” (Archaeological Survey of India, Annual Report (1908-1909))
The second inscription on the pillar describes in more detail the spiritual content of the faith supported by Heliodorus:
“Trini amutapadani‹[su] anuthitani
nayamti svaga damo chago apramado”
“Three immortal precepts (footsteps)… when practiced lead to heaven: self-restraint, charity, consciousness” The structure of DNA and Higgs’s field engraved on the column with Garuda Sun as the soul and eye of the creation Rig. 1-115-1 is the basis of the Bible reached from India to Greek 113 BC
Heliodorus column
The column had been erected in BC 113 by Heliodorus with the name Garudodhvajo ayam. It is the symbol of the glory of India. Today it may look like a myth of India’s glorious past as we have forgotten our past in the wave of long slavery. Who so ever come to India as a traveler or ambassador, they have enlightened their country, Heliodoros was one who acknowledged the knowledge, that he grasped from India and engraved on the column as its testimony.