
Science of Serpent power to travel beyond space and Time

-Dr CP Trivedi

The most amazing discovery of the earth is the excavation at Grand Canyon Arizona, North America. UNESCO has included it as a world heritage site among the wonders of the world. The Rig Veda is on the list of world heritage as the most ancient literary monument of human civilization on earth. They together explore the Ancient Vedic Science and Technology at Grand Canyon.

The Vedic civilization flourished at the Indian subcontinent with the development of the advanced Indus Valley civilization. The discovery of DNA De oxy Ribose Nucleic Acid and zero-space was their global achievement like DNA 1953 and Higgs field 2013. The Kumari Kandam in south India also flourished at that time (which is now under the sea). Kailash Ellora India the temple complex from the top of the mountain is the wonder of the world.

The Vedic Scientists moved from here with DNA on the flag to Grand Canyon. To trace the vital energy to travel beyond space- Time. The Vedic Expedition at America

America was first explored by a Vedic Scientist with DNA on the flag. The beautiful underground city of caves was developed by transgenic animals, robots, and Giants. They have been developed by DNA technology. The photographs explain the procedure and technique.

DNA on Flag


The Vital Energy at Grand Canyon

The Vedic Scientist with DNA on the flag to express, that life has evolved from single DNA and cell.

The universal consciousness is one, its dualistic nature has manifested with existence as primary consciousness and evolved into secondary life consciousness.

The creation has evolved from space Zero to infinity. It has been explained on the rocks with a hieroglyphic picture writing system with symbolism. The hieroglyphs and Petroglyphs are for teaching and demonstrating with its text in the Vedas. They have used Vedic Sanskrit Lexicography, where each word, sentence, or hymn has a symbol. The word symbol ha a vast ocean of knowledge in the background, each petroglyph is complete to express the Essence of the creation and Life.

fig 2

The Ashwins crowned with lotuses


The vital energy of creation and life aligned with the universal energy field of earth’s geomagnetic belt. Its secret source is in the bosom of water currents in the deep see. It is also the source of alternative energy to travel beyond space and time.

Life consciousness is just like the bird flowing toward heaven. His pathways are pure and pleasant to travel upward without contamination.

fig 4

I, as I lay within the womb, considered all generations of these Gods in order.

A hundred iron fortresses confined me but forth I flew with rapid speed a Falcon ÿg.4-27-1

The consciousness in the living beings is just like a falcon, it fly rapidly even covered just like by hundred fortresses.

He only is the Sea holder of treasures: born many a time he views the hearts within us. He hides him in the secret bosom. The bird dwells in the middle of the fountain Rig-Veda 10-5-1

Agni by vital power became immortal when his prolific Father Dyaus begat (produce) him Rig-Veda 10-95-8

fig 5

The place of collection

Down on which looks the purple–tinted Eagle. Pour ye that flowing wave this day, deft-handed Rig-Veda 10-30-2

Go thou unto those Waters, O Adhwaryu, and purify with herbs what thou infusest rich in sweets, child of water 10-30-5 (Alchemy)

The place, where the rocks are shining looks like purple tinted Eagle. With the skill of technology, the flowing hypersonic waves can be collected as child of water. The water flowing here is enrich with vital power, purify it with herbs and child of water.

It is the same vital energy, which holds the creation, life consciousness, and working everywhere. Its place is in the deep see water aligned with the earth’s geomagnetic belt.

The Archer with bow and Antelope

Here verily I bind you fast as the two bow-ends with the string

fig 6

Press down these men, O lord of speech that they may humbly speak to me (ÿg-Veda 10-166-3)

SPEAK forth the three words, the words which light precede, which milk this udder that produces nectar.

Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the infant (ÿg-Veda 7-101-1 )

I bend the bow for Rudra that his arrow may strike and slay the hater of devotion. I rouse and order battle for the people and I have penetrated Earth and Heaven (ÿg-Veda 10-125- 6 )

The antelope (DNA) is stimulated by words with action

Here verily I bind you fast as the two bow-ends with the string

The Vital force of life and creation is one and the same

Life Consciousness speaks

On the world’s summit, I bring forth the Father; my home is in the waters, in the ocean.

Thence I extend o’er all existing creatures and touch even yonder heaven with my forehead.

I breathe a strong breath like the wind and tempest, the while I hold together all existence.

Beyond this wide earth and beyond the heavens I have become so mighty in my grandeur.

Like gold to look on, far he shone refulgent, beaming imperishable life for glory.

Agni by vital power became immortal when his prolific Father Dyaus begat (produce) him (ÿg-Veda 10-95-8)

The hypersonic spiraling resonant waves were first generated in the pre-cosmic condition and source of all, who has existence. It first appeared in pre-cosmic dark matter, and with the activation of dark matter, it became immortal.

The mystery of vital energy of life was solved at the Grand Canyon, the underground cave city of North America, and at Egypt with the construction of Pyramids in the deep sea, and caves, just like the Large Hadron Collider tunnel from Geneva to France. In the deep sea near to earth’s geomagnetic belt with Vedic Science in the background. The vital energy of creation and life aligned with the universal energy field of earth’s geomagnetic belt. Its secret source is in the bosom of water currents in the deep sea. It is also the source of alternative energy to travel beyond space and time.

The underground cave city at Grand Canyon explores its live evidence with the most advanced technology to build temples and palaces in the caves with advanced robotic DNA technology to develop giants of 7 to 14 feet in height, and animal gliders for travel in space.

Rosetta Granite Stone Egypt Deciphered

Science of Serpent power to travel beyond space and Time


The pyramids, the underground cave city Grand Canyon, North America, Harappa, and Mohen-jo-Daro cities in Indus Valley, Rock cut out Temple complex Kailash Ellora, India are hoofs of their traces. UNESCO included them in the world heritage list. They used photon-phonon technology DNA technology, solar technology, and engraved their achievements on petroglyphs, pyramids and walls of the temple, Gold – Copper plates with its text in Vedic Lexicography. They have prepared giants with DNA technology, and Robots to use in construction. The skeletons are in London Museum, and Robots with Smithsonian Institute.

Rigveda is the oldest literary monument of human civilization on the earth, and the first word of a civilized person on earth. Aryan, means the well-cultured civilized person on earth. UNESCO has included the Rig Veda in the world heritage list. Vedic Sanskrit is a monumental language with Vedic Sanskrit Lexicography, where each word, sentence, or hymn has a symbol with the vast ocean of knowledge in the background with its text in Veda.

The Glory of immortal phonon wavelength, which controls and beholds all existence

Vital Power ‘KUNDALINI’, to travel beyond Space, and Time

I have traced its root in pre-cosmic cosmology and the sun.

The earth is a part of our solar system, which is one unit of the cosmos. The human body is a microcosm inside a macrocosm. All can be searched just like a drop of water in the sea can reveal the character of the ocean I have studied the sun with the naked eyes with my yogic practice otherwise it is impossible to face the sun even for a second with confirmation from Egypt Rosetta granite stone, pyramids of the Egypt, Gold plate Grand Canyon North. America, NASA pictures & Veda,

I have observed the nuclear reactions on the sun’s surface with blast and light. The photon and phonon run in a straight way in concentric circles. It has been confirmed from the Sun disc gold plate Grand Canyon and Veda.

The digitally stacked sequence reveals that the photon and phonon running in concentric circles from the sun Grand Canyon Star Trails NASA – March 3, 2013. The Scientists are searching the Dark matter, is not a matter. The dark atmosphere is hidden in the interior of the sun, black caters and sunspots, which explode with blast and light.

The photon and photon are complementary to each other.

Sun Disc Grand Canyon SUN’S INTERIOR SURFACE, the Dark matter is in the interior of the sun

fig 7

Gold plate Grand Canyon SUN is the soul and eye of the creation Rig. 1–115–1

One of the natural wonders of planet Earth, the Grand Canyon in the American southwest stretches across this early evening sky scape. The concentric arcs are centered on the north celestial pole, the extension of Earth’s rotation axis into space, presently near the bright star Polaris.

fig 8

The photon and phonon run in a straight way complementary to each other coming from the sun in concentric circles. It is the confirmation of my observation with the naked eyes with my Yogic practice.

fig 9


The earth was one land mass pangea has developed with equal and opposite wavelength of phonon and photon, The phonon us immortal, and the smallest unit of light undergo synthesis and degradation eith time, They have develoed in the two equal and opposire sphere, and the creation came into the existence.

Evolution of immortal thought words in opposite direction with birth

Back forward goes he grasped by strength inherent the Immortal born the brother of the mortal. Ceaseless they move in the opposite direction: men mark the one and fail to mark the other ÿg. 1-164-38

The activation of dark matter is activation of inherent magnetism in cosmos, with formation of charged elementary particles. The electrostatic force is the force which governs the motion of the elementary particles, which caused them to aggregate or collide in various ways with oxidation and reduction with the transfer of electron.

The photon and phonon have broad complementary spectrum from gamma rays to radio waves with equal and opposite wavelength. The immortal phonon stimulate the event with electron configuration and half-spin change in the opposite wavelength and photon undergoes the synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s Equation E=Mc².

The flow of the photon and photon has been halted with the Higgs field underlying space imparted mass to the elementary particles.

fig 10

Higgs field and mass to the elementary particles.

All elementary particles are vibrating with the resonance of vibration and their respective charge. They are complementary to each other from gamma rays to radio waves. They find their resonant with resonance. The resonant vibrations of electromagnetic rays, touch, press-mark, and rebound. The colliding protons, decaying into hadron jets and electrons, converted them into electric vibrations to join them in series with phonic compression electromagnetic force. It has maintained its continuity in the molecules and the matter with Higgs field 2013 with asteroids and planets.


Theory Higgs field 1914, phonon scattered the photon in a crystal Lie et al 2014, Einstein 1923 there must be two equal and opposite forces. The photon is the smallest unit of light, and immortal phonon is smallest unit of the sound wave vibration are connected at the molecular level with equal and opposite wavelength.

fig 11

Vedic scientist with DNA on flag, from Indus Valley to Grand Canyon

Sandal paste Mark on the forehead and Serpent hood shows South Indian King

fig 12

with lips, that stammer, hymn chanters wander and are discontented Rig. 10-82-7

The lip-shaped space enclosed in the body is the seat of vital energy

Serpent power ‘Kundalini’ You will not find him who produced these a hidden source of life in the body, it lies dormant at the base between the pelvic girdle.

Enwrapt in misty cloud’, with lips, that stammer, hymn chanters wander and are discontented Rig. 10-82-7

Lip shaped cavity at the base of sitting is the place of Serpent power ‘KUNDALINI’ VITAL ENERGY.

SEARCHED at Grand Canyon with Giants

THE Pyramids of Egypt, Underground cave city at the Grand Canyon, Arizona, North America and Rock cut Temple Complex, Maharashtra ELLORA, and Bhojshala, Dhar, India are ancient monuments of the oldest civilization on the Earth. The Rosetta Granite stone in the British Museum London is its testimony, as Heritage of mankind. They have touched the zenith of the creation and used pictographic Lexicography, where each word, sentence or hymn has a symbol with its text in the Veda.

The man flying in the air Scientic search of the serpent power at Grand Canyon

The experiments proved that instead of an absence of energy in the vacuum, there is a tremendous amount of it, from a completely non-electromagnetic source!

Extra sensory Experience

Science of Serpent power at Grand Canyon in vacum chamber with electric circuit

Bhojshala, Dhar India

The awakening the serpent power begins with the thread ceremony in the childhood with the entry in a school ‘Ashram’ to acquire knowledge to serve the society. The first step is to know the principles of the creation and life.

  1. Wise, teaching, following the thought of Order, the sonless gained a grandson from his daughter. Fain as a sire, to see his child prolific he sped to meet her with an eager spirit.

After the discovery of DNA, they searched the vital energy through awakening serpent power.

The Vedic name of DNA is Tvashta the Lord of all created beings and shaper of all creatures. The mighty Man fundamental energy dressed the spotted bullock Tvashta as the vehicle of life. The nucleotide pair of DNA purine and the pyrimidine base saranyu and Sanjana are like his daughter.

The complementary phonon wavelength activated the nucleotide pair Sanjana and Saranyu with the origin of life 4.6 Billion year ago, with the spark of first life, the nucleotide pair saranyu and sanjana synthesizes the synonym bases in the air with the complementary phonon wavelength Vivasvat is like the grandson of Tvashta. The immortal phonon follows the immortal Vivasvat DNA from generation to generation with new life and spread in all the directions with life.

Fain as a sire, to see his child prolific he sped to meet her with an eager spirit.

The lord with pleasure to see his child prolific he sped to meet her with an eager spirit. The cellular body is vehicle of life and to meet the seed bearing mother spirit is the aim of serpent power awakening. To follow life principles with ethics is the foremost requirement on the way of serpent power awakening.

  1. The Son left not his portion to the brother; he made a home to hold him who should gain it. What time his Parents gave the Priest his being, of the good pair one acted one promoted Rig-Veda 3-31-2 Ashvin Tvashta’s nucleotide pair of DNA is the individual identity with equal and opposite phonon wavelength, hence even the time twins have different DNA and fate in life.

A sonless Father Got Grandson from his daughter

Lord of Speech Wisdom

The equal and opposite immortal phonon wavelength stimulate the event with generation of thought in the brain. This power is lying dormant at the base of sitting in between the pelvic girdle. It has to be awakened to acquire extra sensory perception.

Vagdevi Sarasvati statue at British Museum London

Run thou past the two four eyed brindled dogs of SarÈmä, by a happy road; then go unto the beneficent Fathers, who revel in common revelry with Yama. (Atharv. 18-2-11)

What two defending dogs thou hast, O Yama, four eyed, sitting by the road, men watching, with “them, O king, do thou surround him; assign to him wellbeing and freedom from disease (Atharva., 18-2-12)

The yama is term for the chromosome, which consist of DNA, the Yama’s two brindled dogs four eyed watch the path of man, it means they represents two helix of the DNA and the four eyes represents two base pairs, who watch the path of man with its equal and opposite wavelength ‘Sarama’ phonon wavelength. The chromosomes have all information of life and death, hence prayed for freedom of diseases and welfare of all.

The serpent power ‘is lying dormant at the base of siiting like twisted knot , it extendes with Togic practixe in steps with the stimulation of the nerves in spinal cord and ascends towards the center of eye brows, optic nerves to brain like flickering tongue and shine in the mid brain.

Divine Light is a scientific fact related to the pineal gland situated in the mid-brain. It is a photoreceptor gland and secretes the darkness hormone Melatonin at night. It receives messages along fibers from nerve cells of the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus, which themselves receive signals from the eye

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