Ram is the Univeral God to oppose a Suicidal slave mentality

-Dr. C.P. Trivedi

Ram Rajya is like paradise on Earth beyond imagination with the blind spectacle of faith. a Glorious moment for Bharat, and the world. As universal God, The descendant of the Ikshavaku dynasty’s son Suryavanshi Ram ruled over Earth, Ayodhya not to be fought, Valmiki Ramayan is an ancillary of Veda, embodies the secret of creation, invader Babar dared to attack Ayodhya, ‘Ramcharit Manas’ in Hindi written by Saint Tulsidas during Akbar’s regime, to establish ancillary of Veda for common public, and saved the public from conversion into Islam.with universal God Ram in their heart. Ram Temple will establish Bhat’s glorious past, away from superstition, to avoid the glorious moment of Ram Temple is politics of superstitious Religion imposed by British ignorant of the aim of life on Earth like other invaders to deny India’s antiquity, and the glorious past. The 22nd of January 24 is not the function of a political party a function of 140 crore Indians led by the PM of India Modi, to deny the ancestry in Bharat is to oppose the universal God Ram.The opposition doesn’t want to understand their ancestry in Bharat, misguiding the general public with a misunderstanding of faith.’Rama Temp;e is the Glory of Bharat and the world to teach to follow ethics in life is the aim of life. otherwise, man is not different from an animal.
Indian subcontinent was one cultural unit with integrity, and diversity, a paradise on Earth, invaders ignorant of ethics and the aim of life imposed their superstition to increase the population of their followers, and the British with the nation theory sown the seed of poison, and laughing on fools, where cowards crying we are not Hindu, and fools crying we are indu. The residents of Hindustan is Hindu as if they are foreigners to Hindustan Bharat. anybody a cultured civilized working with ethics in life can call himself Aryan, Aryan is not a caste or Religion
Ramayan is the journey of the indestructible supreme from darkness to light, with the assembly of the three immortal with energy laying down the foundation of the creation, The Ram-Lakshman-Sita, Hanuman personified as three immortal with energy]. It has great significance for India, and the world suffering from the superstition of God and Religion.?
WHY are asking this Question? the foreign invaders devalued the whole Sanskrit literature as a superstitious Religion and devalued the ancillary of Veda written in different eras to preserve the Vedic heritage with the personification of natural forces with the contemporary legendary stories of the kings symbolically. All should be taught at all levels to promote ethics.
Rigveda is the oldest literary monument of human civilization, UNESCO included in the World Heritage list.
After the ice age, Rig-Vedic knowledge was incorporated in Yajurveda, Sama Veda, its modification is Atharvaveda.
For the common public Valmiki Ramayan written by the sage Valmiki, signifies Treta Yuga the journey of Vital Energy from Darkness to light. Ram Vital Energy personified as Model with Sita primordial Phonon wave up to the assembly of three immortal, the three components of an atom with energy, and space in the nucleus laid down the foundation of the creation. With energy in the space of the nucleus is flying termed as ‘Hanuman, the energy in space of the nucleus is holistic..
Dwapar Yuga signifies the Duality of human nature with evolution creating conflict in society with the quest for Land.
MAHA BHARAT is written as an ancillary of Vedic knowledge of creation, and Life MAHA BHARAT is the name of the land mass Indian subcontinent Jambu Dweep.
Lord Krishna, is personified as an indestructible supreme Sky the ensign of the existence of all, and present everywhere. ‘Radha’ is a phonon, a wave. the seed-bearing mother of all., and brought forward the infinite nature in action with five gross elements. Kunti is Nature and her five sons are five gross elements. Karna is the sun, the source of light and Energy, Resonant rays of light with immortal DNA are the light of life for all, The resonant voice words Sarasvati flow in countless channels with life, and the hundred sons of ‘Kaurav’ are 100 elements, which stretch the world like spider’s web.
The Puranas were written as ancillary of Veda and embody the history of the Cosmos, with the personification of nature, and natural factor forces as deities. Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh are the trinity of the three immortals, the creator Sky ensign of existence, the solar energy with photosynthesis is the guardian of the creation, personified as ‘Vishnu’ and Laxmi chemical energy of photosynthesis is the source of all wealth on the Earth,
Mahesh Mahadeva the vital energy as creator, and destroyer.
Mahadeva is in trance and Sati is the personification of the pre-cosmic condition.
, The powerful vibrational wave phonon is earliest brought forward the dormant Dark Matter in action, and vital energy exploded with the blasts and Light, The radiant flame is Jyotirlinga, all emerge from him, and merge into the same with time.
The flow of the fundamental particles with Big Bang is the cosmic dance of Natraj’ Mahadeva’vital energy in action.
The photon is the first fundamental particle electron is the smallest unit of light, and its counterpart Phonon wave termed as calf of Mahadeva and Sati Parvati, Ganesh, and Kartikeya,
The photon and invisible phonon with equal and opposite wavelengths brought forward the creation in action as a system, The immortal phonon; Kartikeya stimulates the event with electron transfer Ganesh, and the photon undergoes synthesis, and degradation with time, Companion of Ganesh electron transfer is oxidation and reduction reaction in the chain, both are auspicious, and beneficial for the creation, Riddhi, and Siddhi, through the Mahadeva’ vital energy control, and regulate the creation. Where electron Ganesh is the first to regulate the creation, Ganesh is worshiped on all auspicious occasions first. Swastika in hand represents auspicious and beneficial reactions in the forward and backward reversible reactions.
Sanskrit was not taught to Ignorant in India, that without the knowledge of the creation will interpret
in the wrong direction, like the ignorant comparing the vast ocean of knowledge with faith in one book
The Author is a professor, scientist, and thinker with authority on Veda well versed in all Religions. explained the ‘Universal Consciousness’ to establish faith in God is not superstition.