mainआलेख-राशिफलब्रेकिंग न्यूज़

Glorious Antiquity of India Heliodoros Column Vidisha

God ‘Brahma’ Trinity of three Immortal‘Bharat Ek Khoj’

-Dr CP Trivedi


Dr CP Trivedi

India was the cradle of civilization and enlightened the world in past. Its testimony is ‘Heliodoros column’ Basenagar Vidisha, erected by Heliodoros. during Gupta rein 113 BCE acknowledged by Heliodoros, Ambassador of Greece in the court of King Kashiputra Page | 1Bhagabhadra, the Saviour son of the princess from Benares, in the fourteenth year of his reign.” (Archaeological Survey of India, Annual Report (1908-1909))

It was the Golden period of India and Heliodorus acknowledged the same by erecting Garudodhvaj Sun Pillar at Besnagar Vidisha 113 BCE. He has taken the Knowledge from India to Greece. Its testimony is at Jerusalem.

The pillar

Both their father is also their son; both the chief is also the meanest (Kani–—ha) of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb Ath. 10-8-28

The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon. They together have been termed as both the father and their son metaphorically. of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb. . Out of these two, one Phonon has entered in the mind first and stimulates the language of DNA in the womb, the phonon is earliest, it has activated the Dark matter in pre-cosmic condition.

The creation has evolved from infinite Sky with the creative force of vital fundamental energy. The same has been imagined in the form of primeval man as Creator. He is the ruler, painter, and architect of the creation with the vital energy of life and creation.

Trini amrita padani-[su] anuthitani
nayamti svaga damo chago apramado

Three immortal precepts (footsteps)… when practiced
lead to heaven: self-restraint, charity, consciousness

Hear all the Gods my words, Sarasvati give ear together with Puramdhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14)

Speak forth the three words, the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produces nectar.

Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the infant (Rig. 7-101-1)

The Sarasvati thought words ensign of existence with the chemical energy of food, which generates thoughts in mind and vital energy ensign of life manifest with action, the germ of plants and infants as well.

The three immortal; the resonant vibration of words precede light, they together produced the nectar, which milk this udder with cell body, the ensign of existence. With this, the fundamental energy Soma, manifested like Bull, and Bull bellowed engendering germ of plants, the infant also. The speed of the resonant waves is more than the light, which stimulates the action.

  1. The immortal underlying space of sky imparted mass to elementary particles with resonant vibration, the ensign of the existence of all.
  2. The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feed the living-beings
  3. The immortal DNA with resonant words is the light of life for all.

Life on the earth is a trinity of three immortal. To evolve one’s self from animal instincts to human instincts and higher divine instincts is the aim of life under the cycle of rebirth and death.

Cell body

The Magen David (Shield of David, or as it is more commonly known, the Star of David) is the symbol most commonly associated with Judaism today,

One of the oldest symbols of the Jewish faith is the menorah, a seven-branched candelabrum used in the Temple.

The seven Electromagnetic rays with a complementary spectrum of light together with vibrations are playing their role in the creation

The flow of life channels

Seven sisters sprung from threefold source, (abiding in the three worlds that are, heaven earth and air) the Five Tribes prosper, she must be Invoked in every deed of might (Rig-Veda 6-61-12)

The seven sisters represent seven rays of visible light, and seven syllables of voice, they are flowing in a three-fold manner and nourish five gross elements air, water, sun; energy, sky, and earth; matter with life in countless channels.

Shiv Puran’ in modern perspective


The discovery of the Higgs field 2013, the recent discovery of gravitational waves 2015 is akin to phonon. The photons can be scattered by phonons in a crystal Lie et al 2014 The Scientists have heard the sound in the artificial atom. Einstein said in a Nobel lecture in 1923 that there exist two distinct fields independent of each other by their nature,

The photon and phonon are two distinct equal and opposite complementary forces of Nature. The phonon is immortal and earliest, it has activated the dark matter in the pre-cosmic condition with blast and light with the fundamental energy in action. It has been discovered at Grand Canyon and the discovery of the phonon waves has been engraved on the Gold plate to explore that phonon beholds all existing.

Higgs field Space Sky, Unborn fundamental energy, Resonant Visible light rays. These three immortal have been personified as ‘Brahma’ Sky as Creator, ‘Mahadev’ unborn fundamental energy as creator and destroyer, the visible solar rays as ‘Vishnu’ as guardian of the creation, which feed the creation with photosynthesis & immortal chemical energy with food metabolism. They are present at the molecular level in the minutest atom, and the cell body ensign of existence. It has been described symbolically with ‘three faces of ‘Brahma’s creator.

Pre-cosmic condition Our Solar system is one unit in the vast ocean of the cosmos and evolved Billions of years ago with the cosmological event, under space, time, and environmental conditions.

There was only water in the universe then. In the water, a gigantic egg (anda) appeared and Brahma emerged from this egg. Inside the egg was also all the worlds that would be created.

The egg-shaped dark unit was having the world, that to be created in creation to express that the solar system is working in elliptical orbits is like egg-shaped. .

There was an only dark matter as cosmic water in the beginning, then a gigantic egg unit of cosmos appeared, and the space emerged within the dark mountain, the ensign of existence in the infinite cosmos Higgs field. It is the beginning of our solar system in pre-cosmic conditions. The symbol of the egg is to denote the elliptical orbit of the solar system, which is to become in existence.

The creator ‘Brahma’ appeared as space from the space with dormant unborn fundamental energy in the sky Higgs field Space.

The space sky is infinite un-destructible cosmos that has been described as a ‘Brahma’ Creator without attribute and character. The pre-cosmic condition was like a solid rock without any space, nothing was there in existence deep darkness was there everywhere as the dormant fundamental energy source of all to become in existence.

The space sky is infinite indestructible has been described as ‘Brahma’ Creator.

From him VirÈj was born; again Puru–from VirÈj was born.

As soon as he was born he spread eastward and westward o’er the earth ÿg.10-90.5

From space, Viraj was born from Viraj and again Purush was born, As soon as they were born spread on eastward and westward. It means underlying imparted mass to elementary particles they spread on all sides as Asteroids and planets, Higgs field 2013

Pre-cosmic phonon

The pre-cosmic darkness represents the inactive, immortal, and infinite magnetism without charge, the fundamental energy was in a dormant condition, its counterpart phonon is like darkness within the darkness, antimagnetic, immortal and without charge. In the pre-cosmic dark atmosphere, the darkness was hidden in the darkness like two dormant inactive magnetic and antimagnetic forces.

The dormant inactive fundamental energy is the dark atmosphere in the pre-cosmic condition. the immortal phonon nature as the dormant unborn fundamental energy’s image, Both are invisible, infinite, and immortal.

The darkness appeared within the darkness like Night as its counter force with the generation of shock waves, it is like the shock waves generates before the Earthquake.

It has de-marketed the darkness within the darkness as two equal and opposite forces. A sudden crack formed a fissure in the dark atmosphere and the Sarama phonon wave find a place in the fissure Higgs field space. The immortal phonon has plundered thoroughly the dark atmosphere with resonance. It has brought forward the fundamental energy in action with blast and light.

Darkness there was: at first concealed in darkness this all was in discriminated chaos.

All that existed then was void and formless: by the great power of Warmth was born that Unit (Rig. Veda 10-129-3)

The appearance of the solar system

The cosmos has been depicted by saying that the Brahma itself is divided into three as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva to express that from the underlying space of the cosmos the space occupied the place as creator, the Bramha from Brahma, today we know it as Higgs field 2013

There was the only dark matter as cosmic water, in the beginning, then a gigantic egg unit of cosmos appeared, and the space emerged within the dark mountain, the ensign of existence in the infinite cosmos Higgs field. It is the beginning of our solar system in pre-cosmic conditions. The symbol of the egg is to denote the elliptical orbit of the solar system, which to become in existence.

The creator ‘Brahma’ appeared as space from the space, with dormant unborn fundamental energy in the sky Higgs field Space Sky

The space sky is infinite un-destructible cosmos that has been described as a ‘Brahma’ Creator without attribute and character. The pre-cosmic condition was like a solid rock without any space, nothing was there in existence deep darkness was there everywhere. The space sky is infinite indestructible has been described as ‘Brahma’ Creator.

From him VirÈj was born; again Puru–from VirÈj was born.

As soon as he was born he spread eastward and westward o’er the earth ÿg.10-90.5

From space, Viraj was born from Viraj and again Purush was born, As soon as they were born spread on eastward and westward. It means underlying imparted mass to elementary particles they spread on all sides as Asteroids and planets, Higgs field 2013

Higgs field space

When Sarama had found the mountain’s fissure, that vast and ancient place she plundered thoroughly. In the floods’ van, she led them forth, light-footed: she who well knew came first unto their lowing.

. The pre-cosmic condition

Then was not any -existent nor existent: there was no realm of air, no sky beyond. What is covered in and where? And what gave shelter? Was water there, unfathomed depth of water? (ÿg. 10-129-1)

Death was not then, nor was there aught immortal: no sign was there, the day’s and night’s divider.

That One Thing, breathless, breathed by its nature: apart from it was nothing what so ever (ÿg. 10-129-2)

Before the origin of cosmos, when neither time nor space was created, it has been expressed then was not non-existent nor existent: in this pre-cosmic condition, there was only one force, which began to disintegrate from infinite to finite with its background in the infinite cosmos.

Deep darkness was everywhere without motion nothing was in existence, only one force lying dormant. He breathed by his own nature. It is a symbolic expression for the appearance of shock waves as un born’s image is equal and opposite in nature. It is just kike the shock waves that appear by secret pathways before the earthquake on the earth. It is like darkness appeared within the darkness like two equal and opposite forces.

The shock waves terrified for many years within altering like two abhorrent floods moving in the opposite direction. It has been described symbolically as the ‘Tap’ Labor ‘Tapasya of ‘Sati’ to awaken ‘Mahadev’ from the trance.

Immortal Antimatter

With all her eyes the Goddess Night looks forth approaching many a spot; she has put all her glories on.

Immortal she hath filled the waste, the Goddess filled height and depth; she conquers darkness with her light (Rig. 10- 127-1, 2)

I Come a God foreseeing from the godless to immortality by secret pathways (Rig. 10- 127-1, 2)

The pre-cosmic condition, when darkness was hidden in darkness without any form. The resonant shock waves appear first as the great dark power born within the darkness, as an immortal antimagnetic force. It is like shock waves appearing before the earthquake on the earth by secret pathways.

The blackness appears within the blackness like a wave, approaching many spots. The immortal phonon filled the waste to conquer the darkness with her light.

I tarried many a year within the altar: I leave the Father, for my choice is Indra(ÿg. 10-124-4)

While I, ungracious one, desert the gracious leave mine own friends and seek the kin of strangers (Rig. 10-124-2)

Figure 3, Copperplate at Grand Canyon

They call him Swan, the abhorrent floods’ Companion, moving in friendship with celestial Waters.

The poets in their thought have looked on Indra swiftly approaching when Anu–—up calls him Rig.10-124-9

The motion in hidden darkness appeared as two opponents moving in the opposite direction like abhorrent floods moving in friendship. We may call the abhorrent floods as antimatter of dark matter with the opposite character. The resonant vibrations with compression are concentrated in the center. The resonant noise rises to revolt with rigor to increase temperature and pressure. It has been expressed by saying that ‘Sati’ with her ‘Tapasya’ labor filled the waste with dew prolific to make the field fertile for the progeny with resonance and noise to awaken ’Mahadev’ from the trance.

The force before the big bang

by the great power of Warmth was born that Unit (ÿg. Veda 10-129-3)\

Figure Copperplate at Grand Canyon Nuclear reactions at the sun’s surface, pre-cosmic Nebula

The evolution of the solar system and infinite nature

These BrÈhma‡aspati produced with blast and smelting, like a smith, Existence in an earlier age of Gods, from Non-existence sprang. 2.

BrÈhma‡aspati has produced the cosmic world with blast and smelting just like a smith, and the non-existent sprang up into being the earliest subatomic particles. After this, the underlying space imparted mass to elementary particles with productive power. It has generated asteroids and planets in the sky with regions from the earth.

Existence, in the earlier age of Gods, from Nonexistence sprang. Thereafter were the regions born. This sprang from the productive power (ÿg. 10-72-3)

Force before the Big Bang

The resonant vibrations with compression are concentrated in the center. The resonant noise rises to revolt with rigor to increase temperature and pressure. It has filled the waste with dew prolific and the fundamental energy with activation sown the first seed of the creation with subatomic particles as a calf of the resonant vibrations phonon.

The motion hidden in darkness annihilated the darkness with a blast, and light, the photon, and phonon run in a straight way with incandescent clouds. The phonon held the elementary particles with their complementary wavelength. With the activation of the fundamental energy, the nonexistence came into the existence with subatomic particles and Indra electricity charged the subatomic particles.

The awakening of ‘Mahadev’ from trance is the activation of the dormant fundamental energy in action, and the non-existent came into the existence is subatomic particles ensign of the existence of all with blast and light. The light is the first manifestation of the fundamental energy ‘Mahadev’ flame of light ‘Jyotirlinga’, which was worshiped all over the world as the ancient symbol of fundamental energy in action.

With blast and light, the photon and phonon run in a straight way like two parallel forces with solar flares and incandescent clouds.

The photon and the phonon have been termed as two sons of ‘Sati’ and ‘Mahadev’ and have been personified metaphorically ‘Ganesh’ and ‘Kartikeya’ The phonon ‘Sati’ is invisible and immortal stimulates the event and the subatomic particles of photon undergo synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s equation E=Mc². The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force photon and phonon.

The dancing photon incandescent gaseous clouds have been expressed as the cosmic dance of ‘Natraj’ lord of the photon with existence.

‘Nataraja’ – The Cosmic Dance of Shiva

Cosmic Dance of Natraja

The rapid flow of the Photon and Phonon are like two rivers Vipa¬a and «utudri, their flow has been halted with the formation of the atoms in existence in series with Higgs field space. They have maintained their continuity in the molecule, matter, and cell body. The dancing of the photons has been halted by the phonon with the stability of the subatomic particles in atoms in series. The Higgs field space imparted mass ro the elementary particles and phonon held them in series with asteroids and the planets from incandescent gaseous clouds

I saw from far away the smoke of fuel with spires that rose on high that beneath it. The Mighty men have dressed the spotted bullock. These were the customs in the days a foretime. Rig.1-164-43.

It has been expressed that just like the smoke rises from the fire, and the fuel remains below, in the same fashion the mighty man- fundamental energy has dressed the charged fundamental particles in the center of Nebula, which has exploded in early pre-cosmic condition. It has been expressed by. The Mighty men have dressed the spotted bullock.

The smoky clouds of the charged particles constitute the nebula with the generation of internal force. It has been expressed by the smoky clouds of fuel with spires that rose on high,

It has been expressed that just like the smoke rises from the fire, and the fuel remains below, in the same fashion the mighty man- fundamental energy has dressed the spotted bullock, the purine and pyrimidine base pair with three places of Ashvin- nucleotide pairs of DNA, which made apparent with the origin of life in slime soup with the three stages of life.

These were the customs in the days a foretime.

It has been expressed by saying that the Goddess made silent ‘MAHADEV’ and checked his dance. The immortal phonon held whole existence and feed the creation like a mother with its immortal nature.

The phonon is immortal and infinite with its appearance on the world’s summit with Indra Electricity.

10-125-7 On the world’s summit I bring forth the Father: my home is in the waters, in the ocean. Thence I extend over all existing creatures and touch even yonder heaven with my forehead.

The immortal phonon is invisible and appears in the womb of the mother, where water sap and electricity are present with the birth of the infant from fertilized DNA, with three stages of life and then extend over all existing creatures and touch even yonder heaven. The atmospheric ocean is her home. The immortal phonon follows the immortal DNA from generation to generation with new life and brought forward infinite nature in action.

The creation is a manifestation of phonon Nature & Puru– Man fundamental Energy. It has been described as izd`friq:”kkRede~txr k The phonon and photon are their two calves, which feeds the creation like two mothers. They have been mentioned as two sons of ‘MAHADEV AND SATI’ as Ganesh and Kartikeya metaphorically. The Ganesh is the manifestation of the ‘MAHADEV’ photon and Kartikeya is an invisible phonon. The phonon stimulates the event and the photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time with his two companions ‘Riddhi & Siddhhi’ the oxidation and reduction reaction and regulates the creation.

The creation is a manifestation of phonon Nature & Puru– Man fundamental Energy. It has been described as izd`friq:”kkRede~txr k the phonon and photon are their two calves, which feeds the creation like two mothers. They have been mentioned as two sons of ‘MAHADEV AND SATI’ as Ganesh and Kartikeya metaphorically. The Ganesh is the manifestation of the ‘MAHADEV’ photon and Kartikeya is an invisible phonon. The phonon stimulates the event and the photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time with his two companion ‘Riddhi & Siddhhi’ the oxidation and reduction reaction and regulates the creation.

With the dawn of the creation ‘MAHADEV’has three forms ‘Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh’ besides ‘Sati phonon’ with the setting of the dawn of the creation placed her Sisters in her place as ‘Mahakali, Mahalaxmi and Mahasarasvari’. The solar flares coming from the sun with vibrating photon and phonon have a broad complementary spectrum with three sects Toxic UV and X rays, visible light, and Infrared rays, they represent the same.

‘Mahakali with fundamental energy Mahadev’ is her terrible form which has destroyed the dark mountain with activation of the fundamental energy in action in pre-cosmic conditions. She is the first seed-bearing mother of the creature known as ‘Bijasan Mata’ She is Goddess of power and complementary with toxic UV and X rays Her tender form is ‘Durga and Parvati’ with ‘Mahesh’ as Shiva creator and destroyer. The immortal phonon stimulate the event and the photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time under the laws of thermodynamics, His weapon is electromagnetic bond energy with oxidation and reduction reaction in series to synthesize the cell body, the same is ‘Rudra’ oxidation in reverse direction destroy the body after death. Hence, ‘Mahesh’ is creator and destroyer too.

‘Laxmi with Vishnu’ is the personification of the visible light as guardian of the creation. His three steps are Sky sun with solar flares-rays. The second step is in the atmosphere, where the Magnetosphere check the solar flares & the ozone layer absorbs the toxic UV rays with the entry of visible light. It has given the way for the origin of life on the earth. It has been expressed symbolically with the personification of ‘Vishnu’ in human form lying on the bed of a serpent with a serpent hood on his head in the middle atmospheric ocean.

Earth’s magnetosphere

Figure 2 Earth’s magnetosphere NASA picture

The magnetosphere is the region of space surrounding Earth where the dominant magnetic field is the magnetic field of Earth, rather than the magnetic field of interplanetary space. The magnetosphere is formed by the interaction of the solar wind with Earth’s magnetic field. This figure illustrates the shape and size of Earth’s magnetic field that is continually changing as it is buffeted by the solar wind. NASA Picture Space Weather Prediction Center325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80305

The Earth with Magnetosphere

‘Once only once, the heaven was made, once only once, the earth was formed. Once, only PriŚni’s milk was shed: no second, after this, is born Rig-Veda 6-48-22

It has been expressed that in the history of the creation once only once the earth has taken its shape with cosmology. The Pri„ ni’s milk Pri„ni is the name of a cow, who gives all types of food.

The third step is on the earth, where the light energy is converted into the chemical energy with photosynthesis by the plants. It has been expressed by the personification of the immortal chemical energy in human form ‘Laxmi’ sitting at the feet of the ‘Vishnu’. The ‘Laxmi’ as immortal chemical energy with photosynthesis feed the living-beings with food metabolism. She as immortal moves in the food chain and brought forward the food chains and food webs in nature and source of all sorts of wealth on the earth.

The green plants with Photosynthesis are a source of food and life for all. Photosynthesis is the only process, which converts the visible radiant energy of the sun into the chemical energy of food. Food metabolism is the source of DNA replication and life in the cell body with respiration. It has brought the food chains and food webs in nature with genetic recombination and cell division.

With photosynthesis in nature, the cell became autotrophic with the synthesis of food material.

6C02+ 6H20->Light + Chlorophyll = Glucose + 602 686 kcal

The product of Photosynthesis Glucose undergoes oxidation with the release of Materi„wan Carbon dioxide Co2, which is released from the cell-like crippled cow, which is useful too in photosynthesis, the metabolic energy of respiration arrange the food in order and A„vins attained all wishes for replication with food metabolism. It is the dawn of A„vins with photosynthesis in nature, the cell became autotrophic with the synthesis of food material.

Photosynthesis on one hand is responsible for the development of the carbon skeleton and DNA is responsible for the genetic modification with multiplication and successive evolution of the physical environment with oxygen and Carbon dioxide.

The immortal chemical energy ‘Laxmi’ feed the living-beings with food metabolism is the source of life, as immortal she has brought forward food chains and food webs in nature, which is the source of all types of wealth on the earth. Hence, Vishnu is the guardian of the creation with the entry of the sunlight on the earth.

Life is a trinity of three immortal

Speak forth the three words the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produces nectar.

Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the infant (Rig. 7-101-1)

The fundamental energy is the germ of the plants and infant, which is manifested with the activation of mental code on the DNA and the three places on the DNA made apparent to synthesize the cell body. With this, the fundamental energy drives the cell body on the path of evolution.

Hear all the Gods my words, Sarasvati give ear together with Puramdhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14)

Sarasvati voice stimulates the language of the DNA with holy thoughts, which strike the ear and rebound. Food metabolism is the source of Life.

Life is the Trinity of Three Immortals, which appear with birth.

  1. The Higgs field, immortal underlying space of sky imparted mass to elementary particles, ensign of the existence of all.
  2. The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feeds the living beings with food metabolism and is the source of life.
  3. The immortal DNA with immortal resonant words is the light of life for all with activation of DNA mental code in the womb of the mother.

‘Sarasvati with Brahma’, ‘Brahma’ creator lays the germ of life in the womb of the mother and ‘Sarasvati’ phonon stimulates the event with birth of the infant with three stages in life.

The living organisms have prepared the third eternal with vibrations from Vena, nectar word follows him from generation to generation with new life.

Seven sisters sprung from threefold source, (abiding in the three worlds that are, heaven earth and air) the Five Tribes prosper, she must be Invoked in every deed of might (ÿg-Veda 6-61-12)

‘Sarasvati’ the seven sisters represent seven rays of visible light, and seven syllables of voice, they are flowing in a three-fold manner and nourish five gross elements air, water, sun; energy, sky, and earth; matter with life in countless channels. The immortal phonon ‘Sarasvati must be invoked in every act of life, she is the Goddess of wisdom and inspires with thoughts in the brain for action, which beholds the life consciousness and inspire with the thought for action from the mouth.

It has been expressed that life is like birds their nest upon the tree Rig. 10-127-4

DNA is a vessel of life with the three stages in life with three immortals. Where life appears with birth in the womb of Mother and disappears with death.

  1. May Vi–‡u form and mold the womb, may Tva–—È duly shape the forms.

PrajÈpati infuses the stream and the dhata lay the germ for thee.

  1. O SinÏvÈlÏ set the germ, set thou the germ SarasvatÏ. May the twain gods bestow the germ. The Ashvib is crowned with lotuses.

The seven visible electromagnetic rays of light assemble to form and mold the infant in the womb of the mother, Tva–—È DNA give shape to the cell body with lifestream from the Lord of beings fundamental energy in inheritance from the mother. Where the duplicating DNA and SarasvatÏ.phonon wave set the germ in the womb and The Ashvin crowned with lotuses. The nucleotide pair of DNA blossom like a flower to give shape to the infant in the womb.

The Tvashta-DNA gives shapes to the infant in the womb and the germ is get set by the Sinivali(duplicating DNA)and SarasvatÏ (VÈc- energy) in the womb. Accordingly, Ashvib (nucleotide pairs) crowned with lotuses, it means the development of the children is there according to the hereditary characters in the DNA. Where the SinÏvÈlÏ is the code initiator and the SarasvatÏ (thought energy) opens the door of a language on the DNA, accordingly from the Ashvin-nucleotide pairs of DNA, the physical cellular body develop just like the lotus flowers.

Tvashta the Lord hath made all forms and all the cattle of the field: Cause them to multiply for us (ÿg-Veda 1-188-9)

Tvashta DNA with food metabolism gives shape to all creatures in the womb, and the infant acquires life in inheritance from parents.

The Germ of life is set by the voice with synonym code on the duplicating DNA in the womb. The single nucleotide pair crowned like Lotus on the tune of a single tone of voice.

The seat of the vital energy in the human body is a lip-like cavity at the base of seating between the pelvic girdle, where the air is halted. It can be stimulated to connect with higher consciousness and shine like glowing luster in the midbrain with the stimulation of the pineal gland.

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