October 6, 2024

Vedic Scientific Antiquity of India Bharat Ek Khoj Discovery of India in a modern perspective

Discovery of India in a modern perspective

-Dr. C.P. Trivedi

Veda is the first word of the civilized person on the earth. As reflected in our Vedic traditional rituals ‘Jambudwipe Bharatkhande’ Indian subcontinent. “What can be more tedious than the Veda, and yet what can be more interesting, if once we know that it is the first word spoken by the Aryan man?” These are words of F. Max Muller, who has the credit to introduce Vedas in the world.

 Now it is unanimously accepted that the Vedas are the oldest literary monuments of the world, as such, they represent the common heritage of mankind on the earth.

 With the establishment of the Royal Asiatic Society in Calcutta in the last decade of the eighteenth century, Vedas found a third way to the eastern world. Most of the scholars like Max Mñller, Wilson, Griffith, etc have followed Great scholiast SÈyan’s commentary.

Western scholars have taught that the Vedas are the religious scriptures of the Hindus and the Vedic hymns have been revealed in trance during meditation, and beyond interpretation?  Nobody has dared to condemn it? due to the long slavery under Muslim and British rule. They have brought forward ‘Aryan invasion theory to deny antiquity of India with the discovery of Indus Valley, 1920 by Sir John Marshal.

We have to bring in light that the Vedic culture was all over the world once in history. a well-developed civilization, They have touched the zenith of the creation with the experimental discoveries at the global level. Their inventions and the cosmic principles have been compiled in the Rig-Veda, which were taught to the students by the different Vedic Seer Scientists at their contemporary Institutes of learning and invention. All the seer scientists have used the same terminology, but with different metaphors and riddles with Vedic lexicography, where each word, sentence, and hymn has a symbol.

 The underground cave city at the Grand Canyon, Pyramids of Egypt, and Kailash Ellora, India are proof. They have touched the zenith of the creation; the same has been engraved on the petroglyphs, Gold, and copper plate with its text in Vedic lexicography, where each word, sentence, or hymn has a symbol. The answer to the symbol is in modern Science. Vedic Science has a beginning with the immortal phonon nature as the unborn fundamental energy’s image, which controls and regulates the creation All these theories and the cosmic principles have been rediscovered at Indus Valley, Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Grand Canyon with its text in Veda 11 thousand years ago.

A most amazing discovery of the earth is excavation at Grand Canyon Arizona, North America. The scientists regarded it as not only the oldest discovery but one of the most valuable in the world. Most people are unaware of it. UNESCO has included it in the world heritage site among wonders of the world. These are the traces of underground cave cities before 11000 years ago with the most advanced technology to build temples and palaces in the caves, the inscription on the walls and pictures explore their relation with Egyptian symbols and Mummies, the people were having a height of 7ft or above. The underground city of Canyon reveals the fact that it was a big laboratory, just like the Large Hadron Collider at Geneva, (LHC) to search for vital energy of life consciousness in deep-sea near to earth’s geomagnetic belt. The petro-glyphs explore their discovery with symbolism with its text in Vedas.            

The mystery of vital energy was solved at the Grand Canyon, underground cave city of North America, and in Egypt with the construction of Pyramids in the deep sea, and caves, just like the Large Hadron Collider tunnel from Geneva to France. In the deep sea near to earth’s geomagnetic belt with Vedic Science in the background. The vital energy of creation and life aligned with the universal energy field of earth’s geomagnetic belt. Its secret source is in the bosom of water currents in the deep sea. It is also the source of alternative energy to travel beyond space and time. The underground cave city at Grand Canyon explores its live evidence with the most advanced technology to build temples and palaces in the caves with advanced robotic DNA technology to develop giants of 7 to 14 feet in height, and animal gliders for travel in space.

The underground cave city at the Grand Canyon, Pyramids of Egypt, and Kailash Ellora, India are proof. They have touched the zenith of the creation; the same have been engraved on the petroglyphs, Gold, and copper plate with its text in Vedic lexicography, where each word, sentence, or hymn has a symbol. The answer to the symbol is in modern Science. Vedic Science has a beginning with the immortal phonon nature as the unborn fundamental energy’s image, which controls and regulates the creation The picture symbols remain the same. The script and language change with time. They have not engraved historical records, because we were unknown before birth and with death will become unknown. To record history is a human ego in the ocean of life. They have compiled their work in Rig-Veda with great skills for the future generations to come on the Earth.

The hymn is for the future generation of the living beings when these hymns will be chanted in the future.

os keeveeb veg ke ³eb peevee Òe keesž®eece eqkeHe v³e³eež~

G keÌLes<egž Me m³eceežves<eg ³eë HeM³ee ogÊežjs ³eg ies¤

Let us with tuneful skill proclaim these generations of the Gods, that one may see them when these hymns are chanted in a future age ÿg.10-72 1

Figure 1, Grand Canyon

The Vedic Scientist with DNA on the flag to express,  Life has evolved from single DNA and cell Arizona, North America.

The Creation has evolved from fundamental energy, under the laws of thermodynamics.

Einstein’s equation E=Mc².

Phonon is the earliest. It has activated the dark matter with resonance. The phonon and photon manifested with blast and light as a dualistic complementary force of vital energy. The flame of light ‘Jyotirlinga’ is the manifestation of the vital energy in action without attribute and character. It is the ancient symbol of the great event and the dawn of creation.

 The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force photon and phonon. The phonon is immortal and stimulates the event to happen and the photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s equation E=Mc².

The immortal phonon feeds the creation and stimulates thoughts in the brain for action with words, which beholds all existing. We bow to mother Goddess ‘VANDE MATARAM’ and the fundamental energy as ‘MAHADEV’           

The fundamental energy has been described as omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient God in religious scriptures. The fundamental energy in the space of the nucleus drives the life consciousness on the path of evolution with the origin of life from DNA as his vehicle. It has been described as Soul. The DNA with the charger is bio-soul. Food Metabolism with photosynthesis by the plants is the source of Life.

‘MAHADEV’ at Kailash Ellora

The Great Event

The “iva in meditation 11 thousand years old Statue recovered at Grand Canyon North America Smithsonian Institute America and Ash decoration

 ‘Bhasmarti at Mahakal, Ujjain

To establish ourselves in the world, we should search our roots in our glorious past in the Indus Valley and Veda. In India, Kerala Governer H.Arif Mohammad Khan worships at Mahakal Ujjain, and Narendra Modi pay homage to Darga sharif at Ajmer, where is the difference. ‘Har Har Mahadev & Allah Ho Akbar’ is one.

Three immortal

 Speak forth the three words the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produces nectar.

Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the infant (Rig. 7-101-1)

The fundamental energy is the germ of the plants and infant, which is manifested with the activation of mental code on the DNA and the three places on the DNA made apparent to synthesize the cell body. With this, the fundamental energy drives the cell body on the path of evolution.  

Hear all the Gods my words, Sarasvati give ear together with Puramdhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14)

Sarasvati voice stimulates the language of the DNA with holy thoughts,   which strike the ear and rebound. Food metabolism is the source of Life.

Life is the Trinity of Three Immortals, which appear with birth.

1. The Higgs field, immortal underlying space of sky imparted mass to elementary particles, a sign of the existence of all.

2. The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feeds the living beings with food metabolism and is the source of life.                        

3. The immortal DNA with immortal resonant words is the light of life for all with activation of DNA mental code in the womb of the mother.

    The trident with drum

The immortal DNA ‘Nandi Bull’ with life is the vehicle of the fundamental vital energy ‘MAHADEV’, which is present in the nucleus of the atom and drives the life consciousness on the path of evolution with three stages of life with the trinity of three immortal. The trident represents the same with the ‘Drum’ phonon stimulator of the event. Life appears with birth and disappears with death, the DNA synthesizes the cell body with five gross elements with three stages in life and immortal thought words follow him from generation to generation with new life.           

The immortal phonon mother Goddess stimulates the event to happen with life and feed with thoughts for action, and DNA undergoes synthesis and degradation with time. The phonon thought words are immortal, they follow the immortal DNA from generation to generation with new life.   

The serpent hood & ß, the serpent hood, and ß, represent the magnetosphere around the earth, which has given the way for the origin of life on the earth. The absorption of toxic
UV rays by the ozone layer in the atmosphere have been expressed as ‘MAHADEV’ drank the poison with a blue circle on the neck.

 ß, Om is that truth, the magnetosphere around the earth protects the earth from the strong solar flares and the strong magnetic field of the sun and gives the way for the origin of life on the earth.

Earth’s magnetosphere

Figure 2 Earth’s magnetosphere NASA picture

The magnetosphere is the region of space surrounding Earth where the dominant magnetic field is the magnetic field of Earth, rather than the magnetic field of interplanetary space. The magnetosphere is formed by the interaction of the solar wind with Earth’s magnetic field. This figure illustrates the shape and size of Earth’s magnetic field that is continually changing as it is buffeted by the solar wind. NASA Picture Space Weather Prediction Center325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80305

The Earth with Magnetosphere           

 ‘Once only once, the heaven was made, once only once, the earth was formed.  Once, only PriŚni’s milk was shed: no second, after this, is born Rig-Veda 6-48-22

It has been expressed that in the history of the creation once only once the earth has taken its shape with cosmology. The Pro„ ni’s milk Pri„ni is the name of a cow, who gives all types of food.

Nandi Bull is the vehicle of ‘MAHADEV’ with trident and drum in hand. The Bull represents immortal DNA with life and the trident represents the three stages of life with three immortals. The drum represents the immortal phonon, which stimulates the event and follows the DNA from generation to generation with new life and ‘MAHADEV’wears garland of human skulls with life ‘MUNDMALA’

TheTriplet-leaf Bilva-patra’Aegle Marmelos and Aak flower Calotropis Procera

The leaf is symbol of the photosynthesis and DNA nucleotide pair crowned like flower with food metabolism and move on the path of evolution with three stages in life.

 To establish in the world, we should search our roots in our glorious past in Indus Valley and Veda. In India, Kerala Governer H.Arif Mohammad Khan worship at Mahakal Ujjain, and Narendra Modi pays homage to Darga Sharif at Ajmer, where is the difference. ‘Har Har Mahadev & Allah Ho Akbar’ is one. The ‘Jyotirlinga’ was worshiped all over the world once in history. At Kaba there was a ‘Jyotirlinga’ hidden in the curtain, the people move around it and touch ‘Sangeasvad’ like ‘Nandi’ in the shiv temple. The pilgrimage wears a white cloth around them is like the tradition in India. Here the ‘Paigamber’ messenger of God Mohammad Sahab declared ‘Allaha Ho Akbar’ God is Great like ‘Eko Brahma Dwitiyonasti’ as described in ‘Shwetasghvataropnishad’

भारत का गौरवषाली अतीत भारत का आधार है, सैकडो सालों की गुलीमी ने इसे नेस्तनाबुत करने के असंख्य प्रयत्न किए, परन्तु यह कालजयी संस्कृति आज भी जीवित है। जो महाकवि इकबाल के षब्दो का जीवंत प्रमाण है।
बाकी मगर है अब तक नामो निषां हमारा,
कुछ बात है कि हस्ती मिटती नही हमारी
सदियों रहा है दुष्मन दौरे जमॉ हमारा।

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